AOSpine Masters Series Volume 1: Metastatic Spinal Tumors (Aospine Master Series) 1st Edition


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This first volume in the AOSpine Masters Series
integrates the expertise of oncologists and radiology interventionalists with
that of master spine surgeons, all of whom are actively involved in the care of
patients with metastatic spine tumors. The book provides expert guidance to help
clinicians make the right treatment decisions and provide the best care for
their patients. Chapter topics range from evaluation and decision-making
principles to a spectrum of non-operative and operative treatment options that
have been rapidly evolving over the past decade.


  • Editors are internationally-recognized authorities on
    metastatic spine tumors
  • Includes contributions from key opinion
    leaders working in spine oncology
  • Synthesizes the best available
    evidence and consensus expert advice on metastatic spine tumors, leading to
    optimal clinical recommendations
  • Each chapter includes clinical
    pearls, tips on complication avoidance, and “top 5 must-read references”

AOSpine Masters Series, a co-publication of Thieme and the AOSpine Foundation,
addresses current clinical issues whereby international masters of spine share
their expertise and recommendations on a particular topic. The goal of the
series is to contribute to an evolving, dynamic model of an evidence-based
medicine approach to spine care.

All neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons,
neuro-oncologists, and orthopedic oncologists specializing in spine, along with
residents and fellows in these areas, will find this book to be an excellent
guide that they will consult often in their treatment of patients with
metastatic spine tumors.


Cancer in Children: Clinical Management (Oxford Medical Publications) 5th Edition


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Cancer in children introduces paediatric oncology in a clear and concise way, covering all the possible complications that can arise during treatment and the various outcomes of the illness. Although childhood cancer is rare, accounting for under 1% of all cancer in industrialized countries, it is one of great scientific interest for a number of reasons. Several types of cancer are virtually unique to childhood, whereas the carcinomas most frequently seen in adults are extremely rare among children. Some of the most striking progress in cancer treatment has been made in paediatric oncology. Investigation of childhood tumours has led to major advances in the understanding of the genetic aetiology of cancer. Cancer in Children brings together an international group of highly respected editors and contributors who provide evidence-based information on how to investigate and treat the common cancers in childhood.


Kuerer’s Breast Surgical Oncology 1st Edition


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A complete multidisciplinary guide to breast surgical oncology

Includes DVD with surgical video clips and breast ultrasound atlas

A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!

A British Medical Association Book Awards Runner-up, Oncology category!

“Kuerer’s new textbook of Breast Surgical Oncology is a comprehensive volume that contains exceptionally detailed and thorough information about the diverse aspects of breast cancer care, and would serve as a valuable resource for any breast cancer clinician, regardless of their specialty. … (the book) is easy to read and navigate, where clinicians can quickly obtain reliable, up-to-date information on a broad range of topics relevant to breast cancer.
Annals of Surgery, August 2010

“…a comprehensive and authoritative synthesis of current information is sorely needed, and this book fulfills that need admirably….The figures (many in color) and tables reproduce beautifully. The chapters on ultrasound, clinical trials, and plastic surgery, are particularly valuable. This is a terrific and incredibly useful book on breast surgical oncology, and will be an important reference in the field.”–Doody’s Review Service

Written by an internationally recognized multidisciplinary team of authors, Kuerer’s Breast Surgical Oncology is the first text specifically dedicated to breast surgical oncology. Turn to any page, and you’ll find cutting-edge, evidence-based information and insights—supplemented by a full-color presentation and a companion DVD—all designed to help provide a solid foundation for current and future best practices.

Kuerer’s examines all clinically relevant knowledge in the field, from the pathology of the breast and clinical management, to follow-up and complications following diagnosis and therapy. The book also focuses on the next wave of molecular studies that represent the future of the discipline.


  • Complete integration of the relevant disease pathology with clinical management
  • Major sections on both oncoplastic and advanced operative management procedures
  • An entire section on landmark breast cancer clinical trials that highlights essential knowledge and evidence in the field
  • Full-color design with 750 illustrations that depict anatomy, breast cancer pathology, and trial results
  • A DVD with surgical video clips that details some of the important surgical techniques and procedures featured in the text
  • An entire section on breast imaging and an atlas on breast ultrasound and biopsy techniques that facilitate accurate diagnosis and treatment
  • Timely, special chapter on the influence of the media and the internet on breast cancer care and the funding of breast cancer research
  • A detailed overview of currently open and accruing clinical trials, along with the future critical questions that must be answered to move the field forward
  • Coverage of molecular findings that provides an enhanced perspsective on the full spectrum of malignancies with which they work


The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology, Second Edition 2nd Edition


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The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology details the personalized multidisciplinary approach to cancer management pioneered by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. It is intended to bring a pragmatic approach to cancer management that can serve as a guide for oncologists around the world.

This completely updated second edition emphasizes and discusses recent developments in diagnostic procedures, which include the incorporation of new molecular markers and revised staging systems. It also reinforces how imaging and molecular profiling can prevent administration of overly aggressive, toxic treatment regimens, or invasive surgery to treat superficial or indolent tumors. Also new to the second edition are special commentaries provided by subspecialists in pulmonary medicine, radiation oncology, and surgery which discuss other perspectives on management.

To help you quickly assess cancer management options, every chapter includes numerous tables, diagrams, and imaging photographs. These include evidence-based treatment algorithms in the form of flowcharts and diagrams shaped by the clinical experience of MD Anderson’s world-class faculty. Everything is designed to provide you with a practical guide to diagnostic and therapeutic strategies used at MD Anderson.

The second edition also features important new chapters on key topics such as:

  • Myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Myeloproliferative neoplasms
  • T-cell lymphomas
  • Small bowel and appendiceal cancers
  • Inflammatory breast cancer

Offering the perfect balance of narrative text, summary tables, and clinical photographs (many in full color), there is truly not a more accessible, up-to-date, or authoritative clinician’s guide to the medical management of patients with cancer and its complications than The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology.


Basic Science of Oncology, Fifth Edition (McGraw-Hill International Editions) 5th Edition


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Discover the science of cancer–with this newly revised, essential introduction to cancer biology and genetics

A Doody’s Core Title for 2015!

Here in one well-organized, reader-friendly volume, you’ll find everything you must know about the biology underlying cancer and its treatment, supported by the latest peer-reviewed research. Written by preeminent oncology researchers and clinicians, the book highlights the full range of important oncology topics and takesyou through the biological basis of current and future biological therapy as well as more traditional approaches to cancer treatment.

Presented in full color, the Fifth Edition of The Basic Science of Oncology is thoroughly updated and refreshed to reflect the latest critical thinking in oncology. For graduate students, oncologists, residents, and fellows, there can be no more useful guide to thebedrock science and practice of oncology than this all-in-one reference.

This is a 2015 Doody’s Core title.


  • The most current, evidence-based oncology primer–one that encapsulates the science of cancer causation, cancer biology, and cancer therapy
  • Key insights into molecular and genetic aspects of cancer familiarize you with cancer biology as applied to prognosis and personalized cancer medicine
  • In-depth focus on the discovery, evaluation, and biology of anti-cancer drugs, immunotherapy, and molecularly-targeted agents
  • Up-to-date coverage of the basic science of radiation therapy
  • Specific chapters/sections on intratumor heterogeneity as it relates to potential new treatment strategies–including tumor microenvironment and metabolism, tumor stem cells, and genomic/proteomic heterogeneity
  • NEW! Chapter Essentials synthesize chapter content in a convenient list
  • NEW! Color diagrams and schematics summarize important data


Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Cancer Treatment and Research)


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This is the first volume to provide a multidisciplinary approach to peritoneal carcinomatosis encompassing molecular mechanisms, histopathology, regional and systemic cytotoxic therapy, and surgical options. Illustrations aid the reader throughout in the many facets of this disease. The book will be of particular interest for medical, surgical and gynecological oncologists faced with the complexities of decision making in patients suffering from PC.


Tumor Ablation: Principles and Practice 2005th Edition


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There is an enormous sense of excitement in the communities of cancer research and cancer care as we move into the middle third of the ?rst decade of the 21st century. For the ?rst time,there is a true sense of c- ?dence that the tools provided by the human genome project will enable cancer researchers to crack the code of genomic abnormalities that allow tumor cells to live within the body and provide highly speci?c, virtually non-toxic therapies for the eradication,or at least ?rm control of human cancers. There is also good reason to hope that these same lines of inquiry will yield better tests for screening, early detection, and prev- tion of progression beyond curability. While these developments provide a legitimate basis for much op- mism, many patients will continue to develop cancers and suffer from their debilitating effects, even as research moves ahead. For these in- viduals, it is imperative that the cancer ?eld make the best possible use of the tools available to provide present day cancer patients with the best chances for cure, effective palliation, or, at the very least, relief from symptoms caused by acute intercurrent complications of cancer. A modality that has emerged as a very useful approach to at least some of these goals is tumor ablation by the use of physical or physiochemical approaches.


Neuro-oncology 1st Edition


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The aim of the Neurology in Practice series is to provide a clinical ‘in the office’ or ‘at the bedside’ guide to effective patient care for neurologists in practice and in training. The tone will be practical, not academic. The working assumption is that readers want to know what (and what not) might or should be done, without over emphasis on the why. That said, it is important to review the crucial basic science necessary for effective diagnosis and management, and to provide reminders in the context of the practical chapters.

The books will not be heavily referenced, in line with a more practical approach. This allows for smoother reading (and also relieves the burden of comprehensive citing from authors). Key evidence (clinical trials, Cochrane or other meta analyses) should be summarized in ‘Evidence at a Glance’ boxes and key references such as reviews, major papers can be provided in the ‘selected bibliography’ at the end of each chapter.

Practical guidance will be provided through:

  • the use of algorithms and guidelines where they are appropriate
  • ‘Tips and Tricks’ boxes – hints on improving outcomes perhaps via practical technique, patient questioning etc
  • ‘Caution’ warning boxes – hints on avoiding problems, perhaps via contraindications
  • ‘Science Revisited’ – quick reminder of the basic science principles necessary for understanding


Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland 2nd Edition


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This new edition of Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland features practical guidance on how to handle common inpatient and outpatient challenges seen in pediatric hematology and oncology. Designed as a rapid reference to the latest diagnostic and therapeutic protocols, the text is short and didactic and supplemented with practical algorithms and case studies throughout. Completely revised and updated, there are brand-new chapters on subjects including bone marrow transplantation, pain management and palliative care. Comprehensive, yet concise, the handbook presents essential guidelines on the diagnosis and management of the most common pediatric blood disorders and malignancies, in addition to chemotherapeutic drug information and transfusion protocols.

Designed for medical students, residents, and fellows, this user-friendly portable reference is also the perfect companion on the ward for pediatric hematology and oncology nurses.


Cancer Symptom Science: Measurement, Mechanisms, and Management (Cambridge Medicine (Hardcover)) 1st Edition


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Cancer Symptom Science is the first interdisciplinary compilation of research on the mechanisms underlying the expression of cancer-related symptoms. It presents innovations in clinical, animal and in vitro research, research methods in brain imaging, and statistical-descriptive approaches to understanding the mechanistic basis of symptom expression. This volume also provides perspectives from patients, government and industry. By collecting and synthesizing the developing threads of new approaches to understanding cancer-related symptoms, the book promotes a pioneering framework for merging behavioral and biological disciplines to clarify mechanisms of symptom evolution, incorporating new technologies, testing novel agents for symptom control, and improving patient functioning and quality of life both during and after cancer treatment. With an expert editorial team led by Charles S. Cleeland, an internationally-recognized leader in cancer pain assessment and treatment, this is essential reading for surgical, clinical and medical oncologists, academic researchers, and pharmaceutical companies developing new agents to control symptom expression.


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