Kuerer’s Breast Surgical Oncology 1st Edition

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A complete multidisciplinary guide to breast surgical oncology
Includes DVD with surgical video clips and breast ultrasound atlas
A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!
A British Medical Association Book Awards Runner-up, Oncology category!
“Kuerer’s new textbook of Breast Surgical Oncology is a comprehensive volume that contains exceptionally detailed and thorough information about the diverse aspects of breast cancer care, and would serve as a valuable resource for any breast cancer clinician, regardless of their specialty. … (the book) is easy to read and navigate, where clinicians can quickly obtain reliable, up-to-date information on a broad range of topics relevant to breast cancer.
—Annals of Surgery, August 2010
“…a comprehensive and authoritative synthesis of current information is sorely needed, and this book fulfills that need admirably….The figures (many in color) and tables reproduce beautifully. The chapters on ultrasound, clinical trials, and plastic surgery, are particularly valuable. This is a terrific and incredibly useful book on breast surgical oncology, and will be an important reference in the field.”–Doody’s Review Service
Written by an internationally recognized multidisciplinary team of authors, Kuerer’s Breast Surgical Oncology is the first text specifically dedicated to breast surgical oncology. Turn to any page, and you’ll find cutting-edge, evidence-based information and insights—supplemented by a full-color presentation and a companion DVD—all designed to help provide a solid foundation for current and future best practices.
Kuerer’s examines all clinically relevant knowledge in the field, from the pathology of the breast and clinical management, to follow-up and complications following diagnosis and therapy. The book also focuses on the next wave of molecular studies that represent the future of the discipline.
- Complete integration of the relevant disease pathology with clinical management
- Major sections on both oncoplastic and advanced operative management procedures
- An entire section on landmark breast cancer clinical trials that highlights essential knowledge and evidence in the field
- Full-color design with 750 illustrations that depict anatomy, breast cancer pathology, and trial results
- A DVD with surgical video clips that details some of the important surgical techniques and procedures featured in the text
- An entire section on breast imaging and an atlas on breast ultrasound and biopsy techniques that facilitate accurate diagnosis and treatment
- Timely, special chapter on the influence of the media and the internet on breast cancer care and the funding of breast cancer research
- A detailed overview of currently open and accruing clinical trials, along with the future critical questions that must be answered to move the field forward
- Coverage of molecular findings that provides an enhanced perspsective on the full spectrum of malignancies with which they work
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