The Developing Human 10th Edition

The Developing Human 10th Edition

Written by some of the world’s most famous anatomists, the 10th edition of I The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology continues to present medical students with a comprehensive and easily digestible review of this complex topic. Clearly written and well-structured descriptions include just the information that’s needed, while nearly 600 illustrations help provide a clinically oriented guide to human development, utilizing a week-by-week and stage-by-stage approach to describe fetal organ and system development.

“..a well composed text for a good understanding of human development in the context of current state of knowledge of biomedical sciences.” Reviewed by Dr. Neel Kamal on behalf of BACCH Newsletter, June 2015

  • Review questions and answers at the end of each chapter allow for effective exam preparation.
  • Covers the latest advances in embryology, including normal and abnormal embryogenesis, causes of birth defects, and the role of genes in human development.
  • Details how discoveries in molecular biology have affected clinical practice, including the development of sophisticated new techniques such as recumbent DNA technology and stem cell manipulation.
  • Clinical case presentations, highlighted in special boxes, demonstrate how embryology concepts relate to clinical practice and are ideal for preparing for the USMLE Step 1.
    • Three-dimensional animations ― 2 new to this edition ― help visual learners understand the subjects as discussed in the book as a whole.
    • New and thoroughly revised assessment questions by Mark Torchia.
    • Presents an authoritative description of human embryology through all stages of development.
    • Rich illustrations correspond to the text to enhance comprehension.
    • Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.



Textbook of Clinical Embryology – E-book

Textbook of Clinical Embryology – E-book

Textbook of Clinical Embryology faithfully follows the syllabus of Embryology recommended by the Medical Council of India. It covers in detail all the developmental events in prenatal period. Following recent trends in medical education, this book in addition to basic information also provides knowledge on embryological and genetic basis of clinical conditions through its features of Clinical Correlation and Clinical Problems.

With the wealth of relevant knowledge, this book is ideal for undergraduate medical and dental students and it is highly recommended for students preparing for various entrance examinations like PG entrance, USMLE, PLAB, etc.

Main Highlights

Meticulously designed, accurate, simplified, and easily reproducible four-color illustrations form a unique feature of this book.
Clinical Correlation integrated in text highlighting practical application of embryological facts; an approach increasingly being adopted in medical teaching.
Detailed description of gametogenesis, fertilization, and organogenesis.
Molecular and genetic basis of embryology and birth defects also discussed.
Developmental events during entire gestation period given in a sequence in the last chapter for quick recall and application in day-to-day clinical practice.

Overviews, tables, and flowcharts summarize the text and present complex data in a simple manner.
Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in the form of N.B. to make it more interesting for readers, especially the aspiring postgraduates.
Provides problem-based clinical and functional perspective at the end of each chapter to initiate interest of students in problem based learning (PBL).
Important facts useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, and PLAB listed under Golden Facts to Remember.
Multiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment of the topics studied.


Larsen’s Human Embryology 5th Edition

Larsen’s Human Embryology 5th Edition

Larsen’s Human Embryology 5th Edition

2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Basic and Clinical Sciences Category! Larsen’s Human Embryology works as a well-organized, straightforward guide to this highly complex subject, placing an emphasis on the clinical application of embryology and presenting it in an easily digestible manner.


Ideal for visual students, this updated medical textbook includes a superior art programbrand-new online animations, and high-quality images throughout; clear descriptions and explanations of human embryonic development, based on all of the most up-to-date scientific discoveries and understanding, keep you abreast of the latest knowledge in the field.


  • Take advantage of the most current advances in molecular biology and genetics.
  • Review the material in a flexible manner that meets your specific needs thanks to a user-friendly design.


  • Access high-yield content and quickly locate key information with help from newly condensed text and additional summary tables.
  • Take advantage of key pedagogical features such as opening “Summary” boxes.
  • Visualize complex concepts more clearly than before through a superior art program and outstanding clinical content and images throughout.
  • Reinforce your understanding of the material and how it will relate to real-life scenarios with “Embryology in Practice” clinical closers added to each chapter.
  • Access the complete contents online at Student Consult! View animations on Eye and Ear Development, test yourself with multiple self-assessment questions, and more!




The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology 10th Edition

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology 10th Edition

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology 10th Edition

Written by some of the world’s most famous anatomists, the 10th edition of I The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology continues to present medical students with a comprehensive and easily digestible review of this complex topic. Clearly written and well-structured descriptions include just the information that’s needed, while nearly 600 illustrations help provide a clinically oriented guide to human development, utilizing a week-by-week and stage-by-stage approach to describe fetal organ and system development.


“..a well composed text for a good understanding of human development in the context of current state of knowledge of biomedical sciences.” Reviewed by Dr. Neel Kamal on behalf of BACCH Newsletter, June 2015


  • Review questions and answers at the end of each chapter allow for effective exam preparation.
  • Covers the latest advances in embryology, including normal and abnormal embryogenesis, causes of birth defects, and the role of genes in human development.
  • Details how discoveries in molecular biology have affected clinical practice, including the development of sophisticated new techniques such as recumbent DNA technology and stem cell manipulation.
  • Clinical case presentations, highlighted in special boxes, demonstrate how embryology concepts relate to clinical practice and are ideal for preparing for the USMLE Step 1.


  • Three-dimensional animations ― 2 new to this edition ― help visual learners understand the subjects as discussed in the book as a whole.
  • New and thoroughly revised assessment questions by Mark Torchia.
  • Presents an authoritative description of human embryology through all stages of development.
  • Rich illustrations correspond to the text to enhance comprehension.
  • Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.




Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines (Series in Maternal-Fetal Medicine) 3rd Edition

Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines (Series in Maternal-Fetal Medicine) 3rd Edition

Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines (Series in Maternal-Fetal Medicine) 3rd Edition

This new edition of an acclaimed text reviews the evidence for best practice in maternal-fetal medicine, to present the reader with the right information, with appropriate use of proven interventions and avoidance of ineffectual or harmful ones, and by rating the evidence of the key references. The information is presented in the right format by summarizing evidence succinctly and clearly in tables and algorithms. The aim is to inform the clinician, to reduce errors and “to make it easy to do it right.”







Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology: A Clinical Approach 5th Edition

Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology: A Clinical Approach 5th Edition

Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology: A Clinical Approach, 5th Edition uses a patient-centered approach in coveringto help dental professionals build a strong foundation in oral biology and basic science for dental professionals. It provides a clear understanding explanations of the anatomy of oral and facial tissues ― and of normal and abnormal orofacial development ― so that you can provide effective oral health care for all patients with abnormalities. In addition to the stages of tooth development, it covers eruption and shedding of teeth, plus the parts of teeth – including enamel, dentin, dental pulp, and cementum. Written by Daniel J. Chiego Jr., a noted dental educator and researcher, this book helps you succeed in the classroom and in clinical practice.


  • Cutting-edge content provides essential knowledge of the basics of oral biology, with a focus on clinical application.
  • Hundreds of high-quality illustrations include histographs, micrographs, and clinical photos depicting various stages of the development of oral structures.
  • Clinical Comment and Consider the Patient boxes help you apply scientific information to clinical practice and patient care by includingwith clinical tips, points of interest, and patient situations.
  • Self-evaluation questions and practice quizzes help you review for classroom and national board exams.
  • Quandaries in Science boxes explore the philosophical and scientific dilemmas associated with head and neck embryology and histology.
  • Learning objectives and kKey Vocabulary terms are listed at the beginning of each chapterhighlighted in text discussions and defined in a back-of-book glossary.
  • Suggested readings at the end of each chapter make it easy to look upprovide easy access to classic and new research studies.



Fetal Cardiology: Embryology, Genetics, Physiology, Echocardiographic Evaluation, Diagnosis and Perinatal Management of Cardiac Diseases

[amazon_link asins=’0415432650′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’aishabano-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4327dba8-a336-4ff1-b1c8-4d35b22bd85a’]

Fetal Cardiology: Embryology, Genetics, Physiology, Echocardiographic Evaluation, Diagnosis and Perinatal Management of Cardiac Diseases


Accounting for the huge strides in technological development over the past few years, as well as of recent research and advances, this text updates cutting-edge information on topics such as:

  • embryology
  • cardiovascular development
  • placental implantation and development
  • intracardiac shunt malformations
  • fetal cardiac tumors


  • DVD with over 50 video clips, including 4D ultrasound
  • high quality illustrations in colour throughout
  • new information on the cardiac impact of twin-twin transfusion syndrome, cerebral outcomes in CHD, and congestive heart failure

Langman’s Medical Embryology (Longmans Medical Embryolgy) Fourteenth, North American Edition

[amazon_link asins=’1496383907′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’aishabano-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f3e6e440-bd92-11e8-b7fa-830355450be2′]

Langman’s Medical Embryology (Longmans Medical Embryolgy) Fourteenth, North American Edition


Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langman’s Medical Embryology14th Edition helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. Concise chapter summaries, captivating clinical correlates boxes, clinical problems, and a clear, concise writing style make the subject matter accessible and engaging to students throughout their courses.

  • Updated content reflects the latest clinical findings on the effects of the Zika virus, urogenital system disorders, and more.
  • Clinical Correlates boxes tie clinically relevant content to case-based scenarios students may encounter in practice.
  • More than 400 full-color illustrations, micrographs, and clinical images clarify key aspects of embryonic development.
  • Problems to Solve with accompanying answers help assess student understanding.
  • Chapter summaries and an expanded glossary reinforce understanding of key development stages, terms, and clinical conditions.
  • Illustrated Development Chart provides visually guides students through the stages of embryonic development at a glance.
  • Updated online review questions with answers help students test their understanding and identify areas of weakness.

Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
  • Adapt for unique reading needs, supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more

Human Embryo Transfer 1st ed

[amazon_link asins=’8132211146′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’aishabano-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e3a7c04d-a4a9-11e8-a2c7-f9738e767b40′]

Human Embryo Transfer 1st ed


This concise work on embryo transfer is yet another contribution to the persevering effort to disseminate latest information on the science and skill of performing a traumatic and successful embryo transfer. It is  the most critical culmination of the assisted reproductive technology (ART) stimulation cycle, and a rate-limiting step in dictating the success of treatment. The well-worded chapters draw the reader’s attention to significant aspects before initiating the actual embryo transfer, such as possible causes of failure at the embryo transfer stage, uterine evaluation, mock embryo transfer (ET), experience of the physician, and the use of ultrasound-guidance to monitor ET. The protocol for difficult transfers, variables that affect the success of ET, and the influence of the catheter used for ET have also been dealt with. The unique feature of this book is its pragmatic approach that can translate into solutions to the numerous frustrating ART failures that more often than not, may be attributed to an inefficient ET procedure. It helps the reader understand the integrity of embryo transfer, unravel its obvious simplicity and bridge the success between the several steps of ART. By highlighting the impeding problems associated with ET procedure and providing valid, scientific solutions, this stimulating edition will help the readers improve the ART success rates in their clinical practice.

Chromatin Regulation of Early Embryonic Lineage Specification (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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Five leaders in the field of mammalian preimplantation embryo development provide their own perspectives on key molecular and cellular processes that mediate lineage formation during the first week of life. The first cell-fate decision involves the formation of the pluripotent inner cell mass (ICM) and extraembryonic trophectoderm (TE). The second cell-fate choice encompasses the transformation of ICM into extraembryonic primitive endoderm (PE) and pluripotent epiblast. The processes, which occur during the period of preimplantation development, serve as the foundation for subsequent developmental events such as implantation, placentation, and gastrulation. The mechanisms that regulate them are complex and involve many different factors operating spatially and temporally over several days to modulate embryonic chromatin structure, impose cellular polarity, and direct distinct gene expression programs in the first cell lineages.


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