Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards 3rd Edition

Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards 3rd Edition

Now thoroughly up to date with new topics, new questions, and new contributors, Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards, 3rd Edition, fully prepares you for success on surgery exams. Ideal for surgery residents studying for their yearly in-service ABSITE exam or recent graduates preparing for the ABS qualifying exam, this comprehensive review tool contains nearly 1,000 high-quality questions that follow the new ABSITE and board style. Content has been tested for a number of years on Harbor-UCLA and UC Irvine surgical residents and has proven to significantly improve exam scores.

  • Covers a full range of topics aligned with the SCORE (Surgical Council on Residency Education) Curriculum Outline for General Surgery Residents.
  • Accurately reflects the content of standardized tests, with correct answers and detailed explanations (including why the incorrect answers are incorrect) based on information found in major reference works in the field of surgery.
  • Provides a new overview of key concepts with at-a-glance facts at the beginning of each chapter.
  • Covers newer topics such as gynecology, urology, anesthesia, oncology, and tumor biology, reflecting the format of the current exam.
  • Offers online testing that allows you to test yourself and quickly score your responses.
  • Includes new high-yield illustrations by a surgical resident and medical illustrator.
  • Features new assistant editors and chapter authors, including surgical educators and residents with a strong track record of outstanding ABSITE performance.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


Single Surgical Procedures in Obstetrics and Gynaecology-01: Vulva-A Colour Atlas of Surgeries of the Vulva: A.C.A.of Surgeries of The Vulva (Sspo&G Book 1) 1st Edition

Single Surgical Procedures in Obstetrics and Gynaecology-01: Vulva-A Colour Atlas of Surgeries of the Vulva: A.C.A.of Surgeries of The Vulva (Sspo&G Book 1) 1st Edition

This book, A Colour Atlas of Surgeries of the Vulva, is one of the titles in the series of Single Surgical Procedures in Obstetrics and Gynaecology on all gynaecological and obstetrical surgical procedures related to the female genital organs. This book presents varied surgical techniques of the benign pathologies of the vulva. The vulva presents complex clinical pathologies as it is composed of the hair-bearing skin and the inner lined mucosa. The skin and mucosa bearing the complex glandular tissues also contribute to the vulval pathology. All the commonly done obstetrical and gynaecological procedures are illustrated in a step-by-step procedural process. The book will be very useful for the resident gynaecologic surgeons on their surgical procedures as they prepare themselves for a career in gynaecological surgeries.


Practical Applications of Intravenous Fluids in Surgical Patients

Practical Applications of Intravenous Fluids in Surgical Patients 

This book focuses on practical applications of intravenous fluids in surgical patients. Fluid therapy is one of the most basic interventions spanning across all medical and surgical disciplines. The health care field today is in critical need of skilled professionals to care for patients who require intravenous fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Intravenous fluids are a cornerstone in the treatment of any patient. This book consists of 16 chapters, which include normal water balance, distribution of body fluid, pharmacology of crystalloids, pharmacology of colloids, pharmacology of hydroxyethyl starch, fluid replacement therapy, perioperative fluid therapy in infants and children, fluids therapy in trauma resuscitation, fluid therapy in fever, fluids in intestinal obstruction, fluid management in neurosurgical patients, fluid therapy in traumatic brain injury, fluid management in the ventilated patient, and calculation of fluids. The following chapters describe the administration of fluid therapy for different surgical conditions. Presented in an easy to read format, this highly useful guide includes numerous self-explanatory figures, tables and illustrations to enhance learning.


Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis and Management 6th Edition

Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis and Management 6th Edition

Essential Surgery is well-established as one of the leading textbooks of surgery for medical students, core surgical trainees and those in professions allied to medicine. Covering general surgery, trauma, orthopaedics, vascular surgery, urology, paediatric surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery and ENT, it also incorporates appropriate levels of basic science throughout. The book is ideal to accompany clinical courses, as well as being a practical manual for readers at more advanced levels requiring a revision aid for exams. Its main aim is to stimulate the reader to a greater enjoyment and understanding of the practice of surgery.

  • The uniformity of the writing style and the clarity of elucidation will encourage continued reading, while the emphasis on the principles of surgery will enable a real understanding of the subject matter.

  • The book incorporates a problem-solving approach wherever possible, emphasising how diagnoses are made and why particular treatments are used.

  • The pathophysiological basis of surgical diseases is discussed in relation to their management, acting as a bridge between basic medical sciences and clinical problems.

  • The book’s extensive use of original illustrations, colour photographs, radiology images, boxes and tables emphasises important concepts and will promote easy revision of topics.

  • The principles of operative surgery and pre-, peri- and postoperative care are explained together with outlines of common operations, enabling students and trainee surgeons to properly understand procedures and to participate intelligently in the operating department.
  • A major and comprehensive revision of the text has taken full account of the progressive evolution of surgery and includes new scientific and clinical concepts that have advanced medical understanding.

  • Ensuring the book’s contents are aligned to the curriculum of the UK Intercollegiate MRCS examination has resulted in the addition of new topics including an emphasis on peri-operative care optimisation, enhanced recovery programmes, antibiotic use and resistance, updated cancer staging, minimally invasive surgery, and the evolving role of interventional radiology.

  • Additional essential governance and management topics are covered, including patient safety, surgical ethics, communication, consent, clinical audit and principles of research.

  • The broad experience of surgical teaching and training of two new editors and many new contributors, all with sub-specialist expertise, have brought a contemporary perspective on the book’s contents and its presentation.

  • New national and international guidelines for managing common disorders have been incorporated where appropriate, including major haemorrhage management pathways and trauma.

  • There are new dedicated chapters on major trauma management and elective orthopaedics.


Augmentation Mammaplasty with DVD: Redefining the Patient and Surgeon Experience 1st Edition

Augmentation Mammaplasty with DVD: Redefining the Patient and Surgeon Experience 1st Edition

2010 PROSE Awards Honorable Mention, Clinical Medicine! John B. Tebbetts, MD, a pioneer in the field of breast augmentation, redefines the surgeon/patient experience in this comprehensive book. By exhaustively covering everything you need to know about breast augmentation, Dr. Tebbets allows for tightly focused guidance that is principle- rather than experienced-based, with numerous decision-making algorithms and outcome-based techniques, not just one-answer solutions. The book addresses topics that range from anesthesia and case studies of specific implants to practical matters like practice management. The included DVD is just as broad-based in its approach, containing not just dynamic video clips, but detailed operative scripts, the High FiveTM assessment and decision support system for implant selection and operative planning and the Patient education system for 24 hour recovery.

  • Focuses exclusively on breast augmentation to make coverage as comprehensive as possible.
  • Includes much-needed information on practice management, including patient consent, systems analysis, marketing, and data acquisitions.
  • Addresses pre-, intra-, and postoperative care of patient for guidance from start to finish.
  • Utilizes a separate chapter for each approach to breast augmentation: inframammary, axillary, periaereolar, or umbilical.
  • Incorporates case studies of specific implants to help you make the right decision for your patients.
  • Details TEPID (Tissue characteristics of the Envelope and Parenchyma, the Implant, and Dimensions and filler dynamics of the implant) system: the first three-dimensional modeling system for quantitating tissue characteristics.
  • Comes with a bonus DVD that includes detailed intraoperative video of inframammary, axillary, and periareolar augmentation, dual plane augmentation techniques, customizable patient forms, and more.
  • Provides 15 decision-making algorithms for all aspects of implant selection, surgery, and complications—-the only published resource to do so.


Surgical Management of the Transgender Patient 1st Edition

Surgical Management of the Transgender Patient 1st Edition

Comprehensive and current, the new Surgical Management of the Transgender Patient provides coverage of the preoperativeintraoperative, and postoperative care of transgender individuals. It takes a step-by-step approach to both transmale and transfemale procedures, and presents detailed descriptions of the techniques and procedures employed by today’s surgeons. Featuring full-color illustrations and photos throughout, it’s a must-have resource for individuals and programs with an interest in gender confirmation surgery.

  • Takes a systematic approach to the surgical management of transgender individuals, describing preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care.
  • Features atlas-style surgical chapters.
  • Provides coverage of hot topics in surgery, including metoidioplastychest surgery, and phalloplasty.
  • Full-color design with illustrations and photos enhances your visual understanding.


Ear Surgery Illustrated: A Comprehensive Atlas of Otologic Microsurgical Techniques 1st Edition

Ear Surgery Illustrated: A Comprehensive Atlas of Otologic Microsurgical Techniques 1st Edition

This richly illustrated ear microsurgery atlas shows a picture is worth a thousand words!

In order to envision a three-dimensional picture of the surgical space and ultimately to master surgery, surgeons need thorough visual and clinical knowledge of anatomy. Ear Surgery Illustrated: A Comprehensive Atlas of Otologic Microsurgical Techniques by renowned surgeon Robert Jackler and illustrator Christine Gralapp reflects more than three decades of collaboration.

The color illustrations herein communicate a wealth of surgical anatomy and technique with exceptional clarity and precision. Succinct, insightful text paired with the drawings delineate key landmarks, define crucial relationships, and elucidate complex concepts. Fifteen chapters encompass the broad spectrum of modern otological surgery practice — from commonplace procedures to complex tertiary-quaternary operative care. The appendix features helpful educational handouts surgeons can give to patients.

Key Features

  • More than 1,100 precise full-color illustrations with explanatory text cover a broad range of microsurgical approaches
  • A wide range of surgical procedures including stapes surgery, tympanoplasty, ossiculoplasty, mastoidectomy, vestibular surgery, cochlear implants, temporal bone resection, and petrous apicectomy
  • Management of various diseases and conditions such as cholesteatoma, facial nerve issues, temporal bone fractures, hearing loss, encephaloceles, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, and pulsatile tinnitus

Stepwise procedural guidance throughout the atlas enables novice otolaryngologists and subspecialty otologists to achieve optimal surgical outcomes. Experienced surgeons will find insightful tips and helpful tricks to refine skills and tackle more complex technical challenges encountered in practice.

Paired with Robert Jackler’s and Christine Gralapp’s Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology Second Edition, the two books meld visual and clinical knowledge into remarkable resources covering otological, neurotological, and lateral skull base surgery techniques.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on


Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer 1st Edition

Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer 1st Edition

An innovative guide to the practice of pelvic exenterative surgery for the management of advanced pelvic neoplasms 

Exenterative surgery plays an important role in the management of advanced pelvic cancer. However, while a large body of evidence regarding outcomes following pelvic exenteration now exists, practical strategies and management options remain unclear. Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer addresses this problem by assembling world-leaders in the field to provide insights into the latest techniques and best practices. It includes detailed coverage of: 

  • Surgical anatomy 
  • Operative approaches and exenterative techniques  
  • Reconstruction options  
  • Current evidence on survival and quality of life outcomes  

Featuring essential information for those managing patients with advanced pelvic neoplasms, Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer consolidates the latest data and practical advice in one indispensable guide. 


Revision Spine Surgery: Pearls and Pitfalls 1st Edition

Revision Spine Surgery: Pearls and Pitfalls 1st Edition

Revision spine surgery requires a unique skill set different from performing a primary operation. Understanding when a simple revision is sufficient, when a more complex approach is needed, or when a non-surgical option should be considered is critical to good patient care and outcomes. In this first book to focus exclusively on the complex topic o


Farquharson’s Textbook of Operative General Surgery, 10th Edition 10th Edition

Farquharson’s Textbook of Operative General Surgery 10th Edition

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Sixty years after its first publication, Farquharson’s Textbook of Operative General Surgery remains firmly established as a classic textbook for general surgeons throughout the world, whether they are just embarking on training or are well established in their career. This tenth edition has been fully revised and updated, while retaining the core philosophy that has ensured its popularity over six decades―to provide an authoritative guide to operative surgery for the general surgeon in a manageable single volume.

Farquharson’s Textbook of Operative General Surgery covers not only basic techniques for the junior trainee but also the common operations in the general surgical subspecialties that are likely to be encountered during higher surgical training. In addition, the book describes procedures for the general surgeon in a remote hospital, who may have to operate outside his or her specialty and offer a limited service in orthopaedics, neurosurgery, urology or obstetrics.



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