Cancer Symptom Science: Measurement, Mechanisms, and Management (Cambridge Medicine (Hardcover)) 1st Edition

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Cancer Symptom Science is the first interdisciplinary compilation of research on the mechanisms underlying the expression of cancer-related symptoms. It presents innovations in clinical, animal and in vitro research, research methods in brain imaging, and statistical-descriptive approaches to understanding the mechanistic basis of symptom expression. This volume also provides perspectives from patients, government and industry. By collecting and synthesizing the developing threads of new approaches to understanding cancer-related symptoms, the book promotes a pioneering framework for merging behavioral and biological disciplines to clarify mechanisms of symptom evolution, incorporating new technologies, testing novel agents for symptom control, and improving patient functioning and quality of life both during and after cancer treatment. With an expert editorial team led by Charles S. Cleeland, an internationally-recognized leader in cancer pain assessment and treatment, this is essential reading for surgical, clinical and medical oncologists, academic researchers, and pharmaceutical companies developing new agents to control symptom expression.
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