The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment 2nd Edition

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Clinical assessment is at the heart of medicine. Health professionals working in busy clinical settings, such as general practitioners, nurse practitioners and hospital doctors on-call, often have to assess patients under considerable time constraints. This book teaches the reader how to gather clinical information effectively, accurately and safely even when time is at a premium.
- Provides a systematic method of collecting and assessing relevant clinical information by suggesting
, including important patient-centred questions - Focuses on common symptoms and presentations
- Treatment reflects the latest in evidence based practice (including latest NICE Guidelines)
- Specifically covers the clinical skills assessment (CSA) part of the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) examination
- Written by an experienced medical educator and practicing GP, in consultation with a multidisciplinary team of medical students, GPs, PG trainees, hospital doctors and nurses
From the Back Cover
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