Concise Neurology 1st Edition

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Concise Neurology presents neurology content in a logical sequence within each of ten chapters. Virtually every topic of interest to clinicians is covered in one or two pages to facilitate efficient review of the core concepts in diagnosis and treatment for each syndrome or disease. The author has maintained a thematic unity across related pages, which allows for random reading to be almost as fruitful as sequential reading. For example, a reader who opens the “anticoagulation” page will find a capsulized review of the heparin, warfarin, and thrombolysis stroke trials and the evidence supporting the current therapeutic guidelines. Flipping through neighboring pages will rapidly refresh the position of the clinically relevant thrombophilias in relation to the coagulation pathway, indications for lifelong anticoagulation, causes of hyperhomocysteinemia, and the bare bones of the most important etiologies of strokes in the young.
The book presents higher level content than the student “In a Page” text, covers each topic in more depth, and addresses issues related to pathophysiology and neuropathology of diseases. Concise Neurology will be a welcome resource for busy practitioners, residents, fellows, medical students, and allied health care professionals in the neurosciences who require a rapid, readable overview of a complex subject.
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