Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders Fourth Edition

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This fourth edition of Clinical Management of Binocular Vision uses the past five years of research studies and literature to provide an accurate look at today’s diagnosis and treatment of binocular vision.
Written with an emphasis on proper evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment, each condition is covered in-depth and includes background information, symptoms, case analysis, and management options. This edition also includes the latest information on new vision therapy equipment.
Easy to read and understand, this book is ideal for faculty when designing courses, students studying these topics for the first time, or established practitioners looking for a practical, easy-to-use reference on accommodative, ocular motility, and nonstrabismic vision anomalies.
• Material presented by diagnostic category for easy reference
• Case studies presented at the end of each chapter to demonstrate how information pertains to real life
• Uses the latest research and evidence to support the evaluation and treatment protocols suggested
• Over 200 illustrations – now in full color!
Download this book free here
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