Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy Series) Third Edition

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Does your heart skip a beat every time you think about the complexities of providing cardio care? Well, not anymore!
Written in the award-winning Incredibly Easy! style, this completely updated Third Edition of Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy is the ideal reference for those entering or needing a refresher in cardiovascular nursing care.
This one-of-a-kind book brings together the broad knowledge nurses need to be confident in cardiovascular care, including cardiovascular anatomy and physiology; assessment; diagnostic testing; hemodynamic monitoring; electrocardiogram performance and interpretation; medications; synchronized cardioversion; care of patients with IABP counterpulsation, ICDs, pacemakers, and VADs; and preoperative and postoperative care for patients with MIDCAB, CABG, and balloon angioplasty.
If you are still learning, Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy will help you master complex subjects in minutes with special elements found throughout the text to make it easy to understand and remember key points and information, including:
• Clear, concise descriptions of every procedure and concept
• Tips from other cardiovascular nurses on how to perform care
• Key information about adapting your care to a home environment
• Memory aids and chapter quizzes to promote recall of important information
Written by nurses and for nurses, Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy, 3rd edition, will help you conquer the toughest-to-learn topics in nursing
Download this book free here
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