The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Intensive Review of Internal Medicine Sixth Edition

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Master essential concepts of the major subspecialty areas in internal medicine with expert information, clinical vignettes, and coverage of crucial clinical points in each chapter. Streamline your study with the book’s emphasis on the facts and scenarios most likely to be encountered in internal medicine boards. Build your confidence, competence, and test-taking skills through online board exam simulations that integrate relevant clinical cases, pathology, and imaging studies. Assess your areas of personal strength and fill in any gaps in knowledge with concise, focused guidance from distinguished Cleveland Clinic faculty. Test your knowledge and skills using the book’s more than 700 board-review style questions and answers in print. Quickly access the facts you need through the book’s combination of prose and bulleted lists. Focus your review time on specific clinical areas using the fully searchable text online, organized by topic and packed with clinical pearls and vignettes.
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