Surgical Mayo Set-Ups Spiral-bound

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Whether you’re an experienced surgical technologist,or operating room personnel or just starting out in the field, SURGICAL MAYO SETUPS, 2nd Edition is the reliable, detailed resource you need for success in any operating room! Newly revised with more than 130 Mayo-stand and back-table setups, this handy pocket reference is smartly organized with tabs according to surgical specialty, which helps you find the right set-up quickly and easily. A new introductory section on setup methods provides variations and photos for reference depending on specialty, procedure, facility, OR layout and personal preference. Each of the 12 surgery sections includes a brief overview, key considerations, and an alphabetical procedure list, along with a detailed guide to the instruments and equipment required for the procedure. Selected illustrations throughout the guide show the general Mayo-stand and back-table setup for more complicated procedures-to increase your confidence as your experience grows.
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