ACP Medicine

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ACP Medicine, published in partnership with the American College of Physicians, covers the 11 subspecialties of internal medicine plus selected topics in Women’s Health, Palliative Medicine, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Neurology and Emergency Medicine.
ACP Medicine is also available as a loose-leaf with monthly updates, a quarterly CD-ROM, an annual CD-ROM and a continually updated online version. All versions except the bound book and the annual CD-ROM are sold by one-year subscription. Institutional online licensing programs are available.
New for ACP Medicine:
- More comprehensive, with over 3,000 pages in two volumes
- Over 1,300 diagrams, photos and illustrations that clarify complex concepts
- Over 50% updated for this edition and continually updated online at
- Extensive new coverage on diabetes and ongoing coverage of clinical performance measures
- Current guidelines for managing heart failure, hypertension, dyslipidemia and acute HIV infection and for performing CPR
- Important new information on clinical care, including vaccines to help prevent cervical cancer and shingles as well as monoclonal antibody therapies for colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis
Download this book free here
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