Renal Physiology: A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

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The complexity and copious number of details that must be mastered in order to fully understand renal physiology makes this one of the most daunting and intimidating topics covered in the first year of medical school. Although this is often only a 2-4 week module during the general physiology course, it is essential that students understand the foundations of renal physiology, and general physiology texts are often not detailed enough to provide students with what they need to master this difficult subject.
This first edition, and third volume in the Integrated Physiology Series, offers students a clear, clinically oriented overview of renal physiology. The lecture-style format, conversational tone, and final Integration chapter offset the difficult and intimidating nature of the subject. Chapter outlines, learning objectives, and end-of-chapter summaries highlight key concepts for easier assimilation. Other pedagogical features include clinical cases, Thought Questions, Putting It Together sections, Editor’s Integration boxes, review Q&A, and online animations — all designed specifically to reinforce clinical relevance and to challenge the student in real-world problem-solving.
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