Pocket Oncology (Pocket Notebook) Second Edition

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Written and edited by leading cancer experts at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Pocket Oncology, Second Edition, is a practical, high-yield reference for trainees and practitioners of medical oncology and hematology. This easy-to-use, loose-leaf resource contains up-to-date information essential to caring for patients with cancer, from cancer biology, prevention, screening, treatment and supportive care to new advances in immuno-oncology and precision medicine.
- Includes new information on chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy, immunotherapy toxicity, and novel oral anticoagulants, as well as more information on precision targeted therapeutic strategies.
- Presents each oncologic disease on two facing pages that review initial clinical presentation, pathophysiology, staging, current standards of care treatments, and active areas of current research.
- Follows the popular Pockets Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain.
- Contains helpful appendices on radiographic response criteria, quality of life assessments, tumor markers, and more, plus a section of clinically essential color photos.
- Ideal as a pocket reference for daily practice as well as an accepted and trusted resource for trainees and other members of the oncology care team.
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