The Practice of Surgical Pathology: A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


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In pathology education within North America, there exists a wide gap in the pedagogy between medical school and residency. As a result, the pathology intern often comes into residency unprepared.

Completely illustrated in color, this book lays the foundation of practical pathology and provides a scaffold on which to build a knowledge base. It includes basic introductory material and progresses through each organ system. Within each chapter, there is a brief review of salient normal histology, a discussion of typical specimen types, a strategic approach to the specimen, and a discussion of how the multitude of different diagnoses relate to each other.


Surgical Intensive Care Medicine 2nd ed


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We are honored to present the second edition of Surgical Intensive Care Medicine. Our first edition was considered to be an important contribution to the critical care literature and received excellent reviews from Critical Care Medicine, Chest, and Anesthesiology. In the second edition, the basic organization of the book remains unchanged, being composed of 60 carefully selected chapters divided into 11 sections. The book begins with general topics in primary intensive care, such as airway management and vascular cannulation, followed by categories based on medical and surgical subspecialties. While the chapters discuss definitions, pathophysiology, clinical course, complications, and prognosis, the primary emphasis is devoted to patient management. The contents of the current edition have been comprehensively upgraded and the chapters retained from the first edition have been thoroughly updated, revised, or rewritten. In this second edition, some new topics have been added including Postoperative Care of the Obese Patient, Postoperative Care of the Pancreas Transplant Patient, Optimization of High-Risk Surgical Patients, Post- erative Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, Ethics and End of Life Issues, Improving the ICU, and Continuous Medical Education in Intensive Care Medicine. We are extremely fortunate to have high-quality contributors, many of whom are nationally and internationally recognized researchers, speakers, and practitioners in Cri- cal Care Medicine. An important feature of this latest edition is the geographical diversity of its authors. Most are based in the United States, but colleagues from Canada, England, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Italy, Portugal, and Australia have also made notable contributions.


Exercise Testing for Primary Care and Sports Medicine Physicians


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This book by Corey H. Evans, Russell D. White, and coauthorsis a gem. There was a time when exercise testing was largely limited to cardiologists, but no more. Ex- cise testing, which providesinformationon tness, the risk of coronarydisease, and all around vitality, is now being performed in the of ces of primary care physicians across the United States. Although there is a signi cant risk in some populations, a careful doctor who takes the trouble to become knowledgeable in exercise physiology and the pat- physiologyof coronary artery disease can use exercise testing to improve his ability to give excellent, preventive medicine. Over the years I have read many books on this subject, and even contributed to some,andthis oneratesrightup therewith the best. Likemanymultiauthoredbooks thereissomerepetition,butthisisnotallbad.Acarefulstudyofthevariouschapters willprovideadepthofknowledgethatwillcomeingoodsteadwhenproblemsarise. I can especially recommendthe chapter on exercise physiology.When the reader has mastered the material presented in this chapter, he has acquired a knowledge base so that he can become an expert in exercise testing equal to almost anyone. Over the years I have been privileged to know several of the authors and have followed their publications. Their contributions to our knowledge base in this eld havebeenconsiderable.Acquiringthisbookandbecomingfamiliarwithitscontents will set you apart in the eld of exercise testing.


ECG Interpretation: From Pathophysiology to Clinical Application


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This simple paperback teaches electrocardiography from a pathophysiologic basis. The book is small in format, concise, and can be utilized as a reference – chapter by chapter or read throughout. Ten case studies are highlighted at the end of the book.


Injection Procedures: Osteoarthritis and Related Conditions 2011th Edition


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This practical guide is ideal for healthcare professionals who wish to integrate peripheral joint and soft tissue injection procedures into their practices. Procedures are presented in a step-by-step fashion and a wealth of illustrations aids clarity.


Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary, 29e (Dorland’s Medical Dictionary) 29th Edition


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Stay current with all the latest terminology in today’s ever-evolving medical field with the 29th Edition of Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary. Based on Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, the most trusted medical dictionary used by today’s health care professionals, this portable and user-friendly resource puts dependable and indispensable information at your fingertips. Quickly find what you need from among 36,000+ medical terms, including more than 3,100 new and revised entries reflecting the most important changes in medicine. You’ll also have full-color images throughout, a PIN code to download a spell checker, and a 32-page set of color anatomical plates including 19 plates from the Netter collection. At any stage in your career, this pocket-sized reference is the convenient, portable way to access Dorland’s ― the first and last word in medicine for over 110 years.

  • Find dependable definitions for the most essential medical terms with content based on Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, the most trusted medical dictionary used by today’s health care professionals.
  • Visualize medical concepts with full-color illustrations used throughout the text.
  • Better understand anatomy by viewing a special 32-page set of color anatomical plates, including 19 plates from the Netter collection.
  • Carry Dorland’s to the lab, the classroom, or the office thanks to its small, portable format.
  • Keep up with today’s ever-evolving and expanding medical terminology with 3,100+ new and revised entries.
  • Enhance your understanding of complex information with 227 full-color illustrations, including 80 brand-new images, and 32 color anatomical plates, 19 from the Netter collection
  • Find more adjectival forms within many definitions to better cover all parts of speech.
  • Conveniently check spelling by downloading Dorland’s Electronic Medical Speller Essentials.
  • Find what you are looking for quickly with the help of the handy thumb index.

Dorland’s: the first and last word in medicine for over 110 years


Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach (Geriatric Medicine (Cassel)) 4th Edition


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Since the publication of the third edition of Geriatric Medicine,extraordinary advances have occurred in the science of aging and the potential for biomedical research to give us answers to many, if not most, of the age-related disorders that threaten the quality of life in older years. At the most basic level, the successful mapping of the human genome was declared complete in the fall of 2000. Understanding the map of the human genome is as important as understanding the map of genomes of important laboratory species, ranging from the microscopic worms and fruit?ies used in most classic genetic studies to rodents such as laboratory mice, and eventually to primates, on which much of the research on the aging human brain is done. The genetic maps of all of these species,including our own,does not answer clinical questions,but it does open the door to dramatic, rapid, and ef?cient answers to questions about the genetic polymorphisms related to diseases in humans. The telomerase story also unfolded since the third edition. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for maintaining the telomeres―the redundant DNA portions at the end of chromosomes―whose shortening seems to be linked directly to cell senescence,ap- tosis,and the control over cell death,which,at the level of the individual cell,seems to be linked to the decline of organ function and eventually aging and death within the org- ism.


Handbook of Critical and Intensive Care Medicine 2nd Edition


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Why write a book on the management of critically ill patients? Over the past few decades we have seen an enormous growth in the number of intensive care units (ICU) across the world. Indeed, it is estimated that a large proportion of health care expenses are devoted to patients in these specialized units. Medical students, r- idents, fellows, attending physicians, critical care nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, and other health-care providers (irrespective of their ultimate ?eld of pr- tice) will spend several months or years of their professional lives taking care of critically ill or severely injured patients. These clinicians must have special tra- ing, experience, and competence in managing complex problems in their patients. Moreover, these clinicians must interpret data obtained by many kinds of monitoring devices, and they must integrate this information with their knowledge of the pat- physiology of disease. Even more important is the fact that anyone working in an ICU or with a critically ill patient must approach patients with a multidisciplinary team. The phrase there is no I in TEAM comes to mind.


Principles of Nasal Reconstruction 2nd ed. 2011 Edition


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Skin cancer is among the most commonly occurring cancers, with incidence rates climbing among patients of all ages. The nose is the most common site for these cases. The vast majority of skin cancers of the nose are treated surgically by plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and otolaryngologists. Surgical excision requires reconstruction to one degree or another and Principles of Nasal Reconstruction will prove extremely helpful to any surgeon contemplating reconstruction of defects resulting from skin cancer removal. This book offers multiple guided surgical techniques and references to provide insight and practical guidance to the surgeon and trainee performing nasal reconstructions





Tumor Ablation: Principles and Practice 2005th Edition


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There is an enormous sense of excitement in the communities of cancer research and cancer care as we move into the middle third of the ?rst decade of the 21st century. For the ?rst time,there is a true sense of c- ?dence that the tools provided by the human genome project will enable cancer researchers to crack the code of genomic abnormalities that allow tumor cells to live within the body and provide highly speci?c, virtually non-toxic therapies for the eradication,or at least ?rm control of human cancers. There is also good reason to hope that these same lines of inquiry will yield better tests for screening, early detection, and prev- tion of progression beyond curability. While these developments provide a legitimate basis for much op- mism, many patients will continue to develop cancers and suffer from their debilitating effects, even as research moves ahead. For these in- viduals, it is imperative that the cancer ?eld make the best possible use of the tools available to provide present day cancer patients with the best chances for cure, effective palliation, or, at the very least, relief from symptoms caused by acute intercurrent complications of cancer. A modality that has emerged as a very useful approach to at least some of these goals is tumor ablation by the use of physical or physiochemical approaches.


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