Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary, 29e (Dorland’s Medical Dictionary) 29th Edition

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Stay current with all the latest terminology in today’s ever-evolving medical field with the 29th Edition of Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary. Based on Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, the most trusted medical dictionary used by today’s health care professionals, this portable and user-friendly resource puts dependable and indispensable information at your fingertips. Quickly find what you need from among 36,000+ medical terms, including more than 3,100 new and revised entries reflecting the most important changes in medicine. You’ll also have full-color images throughout, a PIN code to download a spell checker, and a 32-page set of color anatomical plates including 19 plates from the Netter collection. At any stage in your career, this pocket-sized reference is the convenient, portable way to access Dorland’s ― the first and last word in medicine for over 110 years.
- Find dependable definitions for the most essential medical terms with content based on Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, the most trusted medical dictionary used by today’s health care professionals.
- Visualize medical concepts with full-color illustrations used throughout the text.
- Better understand anatomy by viewing a special 32-page set of color anatomical plates, including 19 plates from the Netter collection.
- Carry Dorland’s to the lab, the classroom, or the office thanks to its small, portable format.
- Keep up with today’s ever-evolving and expanding medical terminology with 3,100+ new and revised entries.
- Enhance your understanding of complex information with 227 full-color illustrations, including 80 brand-new images, and 32 color anatomical plates, 19 from the Netter collection
- Find more adjectival forms within many definitions to better cover all parts of speech.
- Conveniently check spelling by downloading Dorland’s Electronic Medical Speller Essentials.
- Find what you are looking for quickly with the help of the handy thumb index.
Dorland’s: the first and last word in medicine for over 110 years
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