Oxford Handbook of Forensic Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 1st Edition


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Forensic medicine covers an amazing range of different subjects and no single individual can expect to be an expert in all of them. The Oxford Handbook of Forensic Medicine provides comprehensive coverage of all areas within this complex discipline. Written for specialists and non-specialists alike, it will appeal to practising forensic scientists, as well as lawyers, police officers, and forensic science students. It shows how forensic medicine has been used in specific cases enabling the reader to apply their knowledge in real life. A detailed glossary of medical terms helps those without medical training to understand medical reports and practices. This easily-portable guide is essential reading for the busy clinical forensic doctor or nurse, and others working at the interface between medicine and law.



Basic Sciences for Ophthalmology (Oxford Specialty Training: Basic Science) 1st Edition


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Part of the Oxford Specialty Training series, Basic Sciences for Ophthalmology is an indispensable and fully comprehensive textbook, and the only book candidates will need to pass the FRCOphth Part 1 exam. Directly linked to the Royal College’s exam, presented in a full colour, highly illustrated, and easy-to-read format, making the basic science behind ophthalmology more approachable and accessible to improve understanding.

Offering full coverage of the Royal College curriculum, the book includes information on anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, optics and practical refraction as well as a section on exam technique. Useful as a resource for the basic sciences in ophthalmology, the book will be also of interest to senior trainees, consultants, optometrists, orthoptists, and basic scientists, as well as those taking the FRCOphth exams.



Oxford American Handbook of Disaster Medicine (Oxford American Handbooks of Medicine) 1st Edition


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Disasters are difficult to manage for many reasons: the immediacy of the event, magnitude of the event, lack of evidence-based practices, and the limited usefulness of many developed protocols. Consequently, combining academic approaches with realistic and practical recommendations continues to be an underdeveloped aspect of disaster texts. The Oxford American Handbook of Disaster Medicine offers a functional blend of science with pragmatism. Approached from a real-world perspective, the handbook is a portable guide that provides sufficient scientific background to facilitate broader application and problem solving yet approach the topic in a prioritized fashion, supporting rapid understanding and utilization. Contributing authors are clinical and public health providers with disaster experience. This book encompasses the entire scope of disaster medicine from general concepts and fundamental principles to both manmade and natural threats



Oxford Handbook of Midwifery (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 2nd Edition


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Fully revised and updated to include the most up-to-date guidelines, references and resources, this new edition of the bestselling Oxford Handbook of Midwifery provides a concise and logical approach to midwifery practice in all its varied care settings.

Giving a complete picture of the role of the midwife, the handbook reflects the mother’s journey through conception, pregnancy and birth to the final postnatal examination of mother and baby. This new edition includes recent advances in midwifery practice including developments in antenatal care, labour, postnatal care and infant feeding. The content is systematically structured to enable quick navigation and ensure the relevant information is at your fingertips whenever you need it.

The handbook covers the vast majority of situations encountered in the many broad and varied settings of midwifery practice, from the normal, low-risk care of the mother and neonate, through to the more complex areas of working alongside obstetric or paediatric colleagues in high-risk pregnancy and birth situations. It provides all the information you will need to assist you when participating in complex care with confidence.

With a wealth of references, recommendations, and guidance from the authors’ many years of experience this handbook will help you achieve the best possible results for your patients. The fundamentals of midwifery are divided into seven main sections, covering antenatal care; normal labour and birth; complicated labour and birth; postnatal care; family planning; care of the newborn; and infant feeding. It also gives information rarely covered in standard midwifery texts, including sexual health, complementary therapies, common blood values, investigations, and midwifery emergencies. Key interventions are laid out as algorithms to aid quick assimilation of the crucial facts.

Written by practising midwives, and checked by subject experts, you can trust this handbook to have the latest and best information you need. Presented in concise and easily readable style, the book is laid out with clear headings, and key facts listed in bullet points. Pocket-sized, with sturdy plastic covers, the Oxford Handbook of Midwifery is a unique and invaluable companion for students, practising midwives, educators, and anyone who needs to understand the challenging and rewarding work of midwifery.



Oxford Handbook of Geriatric Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 2nd Edition


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In an ageing population, geriatric medicine has become central to general practice, and to emergency and general internal medicine in the hospital setting. Diseases are more common in the older person, and can be particularly difficult to assess and to treat effectively in a field that has limited evidence, yet makes up a substantial proportion of the work of most clinicians. Fully updated, this second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Geriatric Medicineincludes all the information required to deliver effective geriatric care. Guidance is given on a range of key treatment areas, indicating where practice differs from that of younger adults or is ill informed by evidence, where dangers lurk for the inexperienced clinician, and on the many ethical and clinical dilemmas common in geriatric practice. This accessible handbook is essential reading for all junior doctors and specialist trainees in geriatric medicine and general internal medicine, and for all medical and nursing staff who manage older people.



Down Syndrome (The Facts Series)


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Down syndrome is a genetic condition which causes varying degrees of learning disability as well as other health problems. Nearly one baby in every 1000 born in the UK has the condition. Parents are often frightened and confused by the birth of a baby with Down syndrome, and they need reassurance as well as up-to-date information regarding the condition.

The new edition of this highly regarded book for parents of children with Down syndrome covers a number of important new developments in research and clinical practice that have occurred in the field in recent years. These include several newly recognised medical conditions that are known to occur more commonly in patients with Down syndrome, for example, glaucoma, gastrointestinal malformations, feeding difficulties, gastro-oesophageal reflux, coeliac disease, and diabetes. This expanded edition also includes new recommendations regarding routine health checks in line with those of the UK Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (UKDSMIG). Additionally the book covers new prenatal screening methods which have been developed to identify Down syndrome during pregnancy.



Oxford Case Histories in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1st Edition


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Based around the core curriculum for specialist trainees in gastroenterology and hepatology, this book contains 50 well-structured, peer-reviewed cases gathered from the Oxford Hospitals, comprehensively covering the various disorders of the gastrointestinal system.

Each case comprises a brief clinical history and relevant examination findings, details of investigations including examples of medical imaging, followed by questions on differential diagnosis and management and detailed answers and discussion. The text is complemented by numerous black and white illustrations, including radiographic images, and 24 colour images. The question-and-answer format is designed to enhance the reader’s diagnostic ability and clinical understanding.



Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition


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Extensively revised and fully updated, this new edition of the Oxford Han

dbook of Rheumatology provides everything you need to understand the wide range of rheumatic conditions. Including the latest guidelines and the most up-to-date information, this is the indispensible guide for students, trainees, consultant rheumatologists, and everyone dealing with patients with musculoskeletal disease.

Rheumatic conditions are common in both general and hospital practice; a primary feature of many multi-system illnesses, and in the context of injury, age-related change, and psychological distress. This handbook provides practical advice, guidance, and key clinical facts to help you provide the best care for your patients. Practically structured, the handbook focuses first on presenting symptoms, and then considers key diseases, emergencies, and rare diseases in more detail, finishing with a comprehensive account of assessment, guidelines, and treatment options including the latest advances in biological therapy. It provides practical guidelines on the management and diagnosis of patients with acute and chronic musculoskeletal disease. Colour plates and line drawings are present throughout along with tables of key information.

Taking a clinical, evidence-based approach, written by experts, and presented in a clear, practical, bullet-point style for rapid reference, this handbook will be your constant companion and a joy to use.



Oxford Desk Reference: Critical Care (Oxford Desk Reference Series) 1st Edition


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Critical care medicine is an evolving specialty in which the amount of available information is growing daily and spread across a myriad of books, journals, and websites. This essential guide brings together this information in an easy-to-use format. Up-to-date, relevant, and evidence-based information on the management of the critically ill is combined in one resource, ideal for the use of Intensive Care Units, High Dependency Units, acute medical or surgical wards, Accident and Emergency departments, and operating theatres.

The book is designed such that each subject forms a self-contained topic in its own right, laid out across two or four pages to facilitate the key aim of rapid and easy access to information. This makes the information included simple to find, read, and absorbo, so that the book can be consulted in the clinic or ward setting for informtion on the optimum management of a particular condition.

With chapters written by internationally renowned critical care specialists and edited by three of the leading figures in UK Critical Care, this book should be an essential resource for all critical care physicians.



Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure Online (Oxford Textbooks in Cardiology) 1st Edition


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The Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure takes the reader from an understanding of the basic mechanisms of heart failure, through to an appreciation of the complexities of heart failure management and the improvements possible with good treatment. Written by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this definitive textbook comprehensively covers all aspects necessary to manage a patient with heart failure, and is essential reading for consultant cardiologists, those in training, general physicians and those caring of the elderly, cardiothoracic surgeons, primary care doctors, pharmacists, and specialist nurses.

The online version of the Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure contains the full text of the print edition (which can be browsed by the contents list or searched), links from references in the text to external sources (via PubMed, ISI, and CrossRef), and over 300 figures and illustrations from the print edition, downloadable into PowerPoint.



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