Fundamentals of Virtual Colonoscopy

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From the Back Cover

Manual of Neuroanesthesia: The Essentials 1st Edition

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This book will provide all the basic details of neuroanaesthesia and how management of different neurosurgical cases may differ. Simple issues such as neurological examination of patient, understanding CT-scan and MRI scans along with anaesthetic management are discussed in simple language, making this book a ready-reckoner. The title provides an insight into all possible aspects of anesthetic management of neurosurgical and commonly encountered neurologic patients. The book also includes chapters related to allied specialities such as critical care, neurology and neuroradiology, making it a complete package.


Adrenal Imaging (Contemporary Medical Imaging)

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From the Back Cover

Eye Movement Disorders

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Eye Movement Disorders, by Dr. Agnes Wong, fills a great void in the Ophthalmology and Neurology literature by presenting eye movement disorders in a full-color, highly illustrative format. This text explains eye movement disorders in a concise yet comprehensive manner, which makes it an excellent reference book and an outstanding learning text for anyone trying to master the intricate relationship between eye movement disorders, and their underlying neuroanatomy and pathophysiology. Its easy-to-read and user-friendly approach will appeal to specialists in Ophthalmology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery who need a rapid reference on less familiar clinical problems.

Key features include:
Provides a coherent, concise, and easy to assimilate description and explanation of different eye movement disorders
Presents over 100 full-color clinical photographs, radiographs, and color illustrations highlighting pertinent anatomy and brain pathways
Highlights key information and important features through boxes, tables, and algorithms


Tips and Tricks in Endocrine Surgery 2014th Edition

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From the Back Cover

Cystogenesis (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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This book covers the mechanisms of renal cyst development as well as the aberrant signaling pathways which are involved in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). ADPKD is a genetic disease in which cysts appear in the epithelial lining of both kidneys. End stage ADPKD patients experience renal failure and require dialysis or a renal transplantation. There are no specific targeted therapies for ADPKD currently available, making it important to understand the basic cellular mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of ADPKD, in order to identify potential therapeutic targets for the disease.

Several therapeutic approaches that have been attempted to date are reviewed. This work provides a broad overview of ADPKD and highlights the key challenges currently faced by researchers in this field. Furthermore, it provides insight into ADPKD to facilitate the development of novel biomarkers for ADPKD and to direct future research into this challenging pathology.

This book is suitable for clinicians who have encountered patients with ADPKD, for clinicians / researchers working in the field of ADPKD and more generally on the kidney and kidney related disorders and for students of medicine with an interest in internal medicine.


Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner (PracticePlanners) 5th Edition

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The Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner, Fifth Edition provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features:

  • 93 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by children, such as academic underachievement, low self-esteem, depression, and separation anxiety
  • A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including blended family problems, divorce reaction, ADHD, attachment disorder, social anxiety, language disorders, and unresolved grief and loss
  • Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises
  • Assignments cross-referenced to The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition—so you can quickly identify the right exercises for a given situation or problem
  • A CD-ROM contains all the exercises in a word-processing format—allowing you to customize them to suit your and your clients’ unique styles and needs


Essential Dental Therapeutics (Essentials (Dentistry)) 1st Edition

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About the Author

Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Surgery: Case Studies 1st Edition

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This new handbook teaches and explains the key principles in the management of complex pediatric colorectal diagnoses. By using case-based presentations, radiographic images, operative images with Multiple Choice Questions to test knowledge, this book serves as an invaluable educational tool. ‘Learning Points’ are included and the text includes comprehensive explanatory chapters. The 60 cases included encompass the full range of pediatric conditions, and the additional learning material completes this unique handbook. The interactive e-book further, with additional video content, enhances the learning experience for all clinicians involved in the treatment of children suffering from colorectal disorders.


Physical Therapy Clinical Handbook For Ptas 2nd Edition

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Physical Therapy Clinical Handbook for PTAs, Second Edition, is a concise and condensed clinical pocket guide designed specifically to help physical therapist assistants and physical therapist assistant students easily obtain helpful evidence-based information. This succinct, summarizing pocket-guide covers the evaluative as well as interventional aspect of physical therapy and offers immediate guidance concerning physical therapy data collection and interventions in various clinical settings including musculoskeletal, neurologic, cardiopulmonary, integumentary, geriatric, pediatric and acute care. With its portable and user-friendly format, this handbook is a valuable resource for physical therapist assistant students during the education training program and throughout clinical practice. The Second Edition features a new and unique look at physical therapy in acute care provided by PTAs. Acute care topics include musculoskeletal and neurological acute care, as well as the significant factors in acute care to consider while applying physical therapy to patients with endocrine, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and oncological disorders/diseases. The Second Edition contains physical therapy terminology reflecting current physical therapy practice according to the APTA’s “Guide to Physical Therapist Practice” and also includes guidelines from the CDC and JCAHO. Appendices contain helpful balance assessment forms, and cardiac and integumentary patient education forms.


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