New Investigations in Ophthalmology 2nd Edition

New Investigations in Ophthalmology 2nd Edition

Clinical investigations for anterior segment disorders have a vital role in the diagnosis and management of various ocular disorders. Recent introduction of optical coherence tomography, including angiography, adaptive optics and wavefront imaging has brought in a revolution in diagnostics. The main utility of these investigations is to improve the diagnostic capability such that the disease can be picked up at a relatively early stage and to detect any progression of the disease, which is not yet evident by clinical examination (e.g. in glaucoma). Another important aspect of these investigations is their ability to image and outline the exact pathogenesis of the disease at the cellular level (e.g. confocal microscopy). An understanding of these investigations gives the clinician a powerful tool which can aid in situations of diagnostic dilemma. Although majority of ophthalmic institutions do not have all of these new technologies, it is important to understand their basic principle, indications and interpretation. The chapters in this book, contributed by various authors working at the best centers in India, provide the reader with the basic information about the recent investigations in the field of corneal diseases, glaucoma, cataract surgery, and radiological imaging modalities. The text has been simplified to include the indications of the new tests, optical principle, interpretations of the printout, advantages, disadvantages, available clinical studies and patient examples with a self-assessment quiz. Numerous clinical photographs have been added related to each investigation to aid the reader in grasping the clinical utility of these tests.



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