Neurology Board Review: Questions and Answers 1st Edition

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Neurology Board Review: Questions and Answers is an easy to read guide that was created to prepare the reader for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) certification and recertification exams. It was specifically designed to cover the topics listed in the ABPN content outline, which should be used in tandem with this book, and includes questions about recent practice parameters published by the American Academy of Neurology. Formatted in a user-friendly way, utilizing case-based and multiple choice questions, this book promotes absorption of key facts and neurological concepts quickly and on-the-go.
This authoritative resource provides an in-depth look at basic neuroscience, critical care and trauma, cerebrovascular diseases, movement disorders, neuromuscular diseases, psychiatry, behavioral neurology, clinical neurophysiology, headaches and pain, metabolic disorders, pediatric neurology and sleep disorders. With over 1,000 questions, Neurology Board Review illustrates key concepts using short and pithy explanations; including informative illustrations, descriptive tables, and a list of further readings at the end of each section. This is the perfect study aid for residents and neurologists alike.
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