Theory and Practice of Addiction Counseling 1st Edition

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Dr. Pamela S. Lassiter is an associate professor in the Department of Counseling at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has over 30 years of work experience as a counselor, clinical supervisor, and administrator in substance abuse treatment and community mental health. Pam continues her clinical work in private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina, and holds credentials as a licensed professional counselor, a licensed marriage & family therapist, and a licensed clinical addiction specialist. She serves as director of the Addictions Program at UNC Charlotte and as the director of the annual Jonnie McLeod Institute on Addiction. Her areas of research include multicultural counseling and supervision, gay and lesbian issues in counseling, addictions counseling, and women’s issues. She is past president of the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counseling (IAAOC) and currently the editor of the Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling.
Dr. Jack Culbreth is a professor in the Counseling Department at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. His research interests are in clinical supervision, addiction counseling, role stress among counselors, and international counselor preparation, resulting in numerous journal articles, book chapters, and two books. Jack’s clinical experience includes work in treatment settings as a mental health counselor, chemical dependency treatment counselor, and substance abuse prevention counselor and in the school setting as a student assistance program coordinator and intervention counselor. In addition to his teaching, Jack maintains a small counseling and supervision private practice. Jack is a nationally certified counselor, approved clinical supervisor and master addictions counselor and is recognized by the state of North Carolina as a licensed professional counselor supervisor, licensed chemical addiction specialist, and certified clinical supervisor.


Science of Ashwagandha: Preventive and Therapeutic Potentials 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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Pocket Book for Simulation Debriefing in Healthcare 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This book is a concise manual on debriefing techniques in a clinical educational context. It presents the most popular debriefing techniques and, hence, can be used as a reference manual by educators to help them achieve their intended debriefing objectives. The overarching objective of debriefing is to promote reflection and improve patient safety awareness at an individual and a team level. This book provides clear explanations of what constitutes a valuable and effective debriefing, and presents the various approaches that can be used and how debriefing differs from feedback. It includes key recommendations on aspects that directly or indirectly impact debriefing with different populations of learners such as students or qualified healthcare professionals of various levels of seniority. This book can also be used as a survival guide for both simulation educators and clinicians during debriefings. It includes several useful sections explaining the different phases of a debriefing session, which help learners develop and consolidate their knowledge, and identify potential knowledge or performance gaps and near misses. The underlying philosophy of this book is to also promote profound respect for the trainee by using a non-offensive debriefing approach. Debriefing facilitators will appreciate the several key sentences that will help them lead and engage their learners in the various phases of expressing their emotions and analyzing their experience and actions.



This unique book presents the differences and similarities of the oldest system of health care. All ancient medicine has strong philosophical background and management varieties related to treatment activities. Ayurveda is one such branch of medicine that is strongly linked to Yoga and traditional Chinese medicine including activities related to Martial Arts and Acupuncture. This book successfully merges Ayurveda with Chinese medicine thereby enhancing the understanding of the two systems.


Handbook of Contemporary Acoustics and Its Applications 1st Edition

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Person-Centred Healthcare Research 1st Edition

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The Resonance Effect: How Frequency Specific Microcurrent Is Changing Medicine

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The Resonance Effect is both the author’s story of her inspirational journey of having the courage to find her true calling and an account of the development of a remarkable newly rediscovered treatment, frequency specific microcurrent (FSM), that takes advantage of the body’s ability to respond to frequencies in order to heal a number of chronic conditions. Carolyn McMakin, a chiropractor specializing in fibromyalgia and myofascial pain, describes her experience using a two-channel microcurrent device that has achieved astounding results that have changed medicine and created new possibilities for suffering patients over the past twenty years. Nerve pain, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathies, muscle pain, athletic performance, injury repair, joint pain, low back pain, neck pain, kidney stone pain, the kidney stones themselves, liver disease, diabetic wounds, brain and spinal cord injuries, PTSD, depression, shingles, asthma, ovarian cysts, abdominal adhesions, and scarring all respond to specific frequencies. McMakin explains that results are predictable, reproducible, and teachable—all without side effects—offering hope and healing to millions of people.

McMakin tells the story of how thousands of patients with conditions that did not respond to other medical therapies recovered from pain and disability through the non-invasive treatment that she developed. For example, asthma resolves with specific frequencies that remove inflammation, allergy reaction, and spasm from the bronchi. One frequency combination eliminates shingles pain in minutes and stops the shingles attack with a single three-hour treatment. Since 2005, a series of frequencies has been used to treat hundreds of PTSD patients. Post-surgical patients use FSM to reduce pain, prevent bruising, and increase healing. NFL, NHL, and Olympic athletes use it to heal injuries and improve performance. McMakin includes case histories that illustrate the efficacy of the treatment and shares the specific frequencies that each condition requires so that patients direct their own treatments.


Snake Venoms (Toxinology) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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Initially, because of the inadequate sensitivity of devices and other limitations, only major venom components of the dominant species were studied. However, in last two decades, increased sensitivity of devices and the development of new techniques, such as transcriptomics and proteomics techniques, have permitted us to analyze the structures and functions of rare species and to identify novel minor components. As a result, the number of venom components identified is increasing dramatically and the physiological functions of each component is more deeply understood. The scope of this book provides the readers an updated and comprehensive presentation on snake venoms. The subjects are divided into six sections, starting with the overview of snake venom compositions in Malaysian species, followed by description of enzymes and enzyme inhibitors contained in snake venoms. Also discussed are the effects of snake venom on cellular receptors, ion channels, blood, and lymph, as well as cytotoxic and antimicrobial molecules present in snake venoms. The last section covers the clinical consequences of envenomation and the management of snakebites using antivenins.


Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases (Issues in Business Ethics) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This is the first wide-ranging, multi-authored handbook in the field of philosophy of medicine, covering the underlying conceptual issues of many important social, political and ethical issues in health care. It introduces and develops over 70 topics, concepts, and issues in the field. It is written by distinguished specialists from multiple disciplines, including philosophy, health sciences, nursing, sociology, political theory, and medicine. Many difficult social and ethical issues in health care are based on conceptual problems, most prominently on the definitions of health and disease, or on epistemological issues regarding causality or diagnosis. Philosophy is the discipline that deals with such conceptual, metaphysical, epistemological, methodological, and axiological matters. This handbook covers all the central concepts in medicine, such as ageing, death, disease, mental disorder, and well-being. It is an invaluable source for laypeople, academics with an interest in medicine, and health care specialists who want be informed and up to date with the relevant discussions. The text also advances these debates and will set the agenda for years to come.


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