The Resonance Effect: How Frequency Specific Microcurrent Is Changing Medicine

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The Resonance Effect is both the author’s story of her inspirational journey of having the courage to find her true calling and an account of the development of a remarkable newly rediscovered treatment, frequency specific microcurrent (FSM), that takes advantage of the body’s ability to respond to frequencies in order to heal a number of chronic conditions. Carolyn McMakin, a chiropractor specializing in fibromyalgia and myofascial pain, describes her experience using a two-channel microcurrent device that has achieved astounding results that have changed medicine and created new possibilities for suffering patients over the past twenty years. Nerve pain, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathies, muscle pain, athletic performance, injury repair, joint pain, low back pain, neck pain, kidney stone pain, the kidney stones themselves, liver disease, diabetic wounds, brain and spinal cord injuries, PTSD, depression, shingles, asthma, ovarian cysts, abdominal adhesions, and scarring all respond to specific frequencies. McMakin explains that results are predictable, reproducible, and teachable—all without side effects—offering hope and healing to millions of people.

McMakin tells the story of how thousands of patients with conditions that did not respond to other medical therapies recovered from pain and disability through the non-invasive treatment that she developed. For example, asthma resolves with specific frequencies that remove inflammation, allergy reaction, and spasm from the bronchi. One frequency combination eliminates shingles pain in minutes and stops the shingles attack with a single three-hour treatment. Since 2005, a series of frequencies has been used to treat hundreds of PTSD patients. Post-surgical patients use FSM to reduce pain, prevent bruising, and increase healing. NFL, NHL, and Olympic athletes use it to heal injuries and improve performance. McMakin includes case histories that illustrate the efficacy of the treatment and shares the specific frequencies that each condition requires so that patients direct their own treatments.



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