Electroanalysis in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Voltammetry, Amperometry, Biosensors, Applications (Monographs in Electrochemistry)

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From the Back Cover

1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies

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This volume presents the proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies (WC2015). The congress took place in Portorož, Slovenia, during the week of September 6th to 10th, 2015. The scientific part of the Congress covered different aspects of electroporation and related technologies and included the following main topics:


·         Application of pulsed electric fields technology in food: challenges and opportunities

·         Electrical impedance measurement for assessment of electroporation yield

·         Electrochemistry and electroporation

·         Electroporation meets electrostimulation

·         Electrotechnologies for food and biomass treatment

·         Food and biotechnology applications

·         In vitro electroporation – basic mechanisms

·         Interfacial behaviour of lipid-assemblies, membranes and cells in electric fields

·         Irreversible electroporation in clinical use

·         Medical applications: electrochemotherapy

·         Medical applications: gene therapy

·         Non-electric field-based physical methods inducing cell poration and enhanced molecule transfer

·         Non-thermal plasmas for food safety, environmental applications and medical treatments

·         PEF for the food industry: fundamentals and applications

·         PEF proce

ss integration – complex process chains and process combinations in the food industry

·         Predictable animal models


Pulsed electric fields and electroporation technologies in bioeconomy

·         Veterinary medical applications



Legal Nurse Consulting, Third Edition (2 Volume Set) 3rd Edition

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Over the past generation, the practice of legal nurse consulting has grown to include areas such as life care planning, risk management, and administrative law, as well as taking on a more diversified role in both criminal and civil law and courtroom proceedings. Used in LNC programs across the country, this two-volume set introduces RNs to the foundations and practice areas of legal nurse consulting, helping them to further define and grow their roles. The volumes are also available individually as Legal Nurse Consulting Principles and Legal Nurse Consulting Practices.



Age-Related Macular Degeneration Second Edition

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Stay up to date with the latest developments in your field with the highly-anticipated second edition of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. This comprehensive text covers recent advances in pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment including promising new developments that will affect your patient care. Dr. Virgil Alfaro and his colleagues at Retina Consultants of Charleston bring you their expertise in the areas of basic science, imaging, prevention, treatment, and more.


  • Learn from a renowned group of retina surgeons who address all aspects of management, including anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; imaging of the macula in ARMD, prevention measures and treatment; and future directions in the field.
  • Gain a solid foundation in intravenous fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, and optical coherence tomography, as well as antiVEGE therapy and related new drugs, optimizing your diagnosis and treatment options.
  • Understand the significant change in the classification system of choroidal neovascular membranes in ARMD.
  • Get up-to-date information on treating ARMD secondary to geographic atrophy through cell transplantation and pharmacologic therapies.
  • Easily visualize key aspects of ARMD thanks to high-quality illustrations and photographs.
  • Find the information you need quickly by referencing individual chapters that offer comprehensive and inclusive coverage of the topic at hand.

Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:

  • Complete content with enhanced navigation
  • Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
  • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
  • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
  • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
  • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use



Breathe Easy: Relieving the Symptoms of Chronic Lung Disease 1st Edition

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Most people don’t think about breathing; it is an automatic, unconscious act. However, the majority of those with asthma (26 million Americans); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD (24 million Americans); or interstitial lung disease (1–2 million Americans) are aware of their shortness of breath because it interferes with work or other daily activities. As a result, these individuals seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment.

Breathe Easy, written by a pulmonologist, explains what constitutes normal breathing, what causes someone to feel short of breath, and what can be done to improve one’s breathing. In chapters on asthma, COPD, and interstitial lung disease, Dr. Donald A. Mahler addresses the origins and treatments of these conditions, and offers advice for both standard and alternative therapies to breathe easy. Other chapters describe how we breathe, how to understand respiratory difficulties like chronic shortness of breath, the correct use of inhalers, the effects of aging on the brain and body, and the benefits of exercise. His final chapter provides valuable advice about traveling with oxygen.

Illustrated with over fifty enlightening medical graphics, Breathe Easy offers a complete and compact guide for the millions of Americans who are limited by their breathing.



Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) and Innate Immunity (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology)

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Overall recent research on TLRs has led to tremendous increase in our understanding of early steps in pathogen recognition and will presumably lead to potent TLR targeting therapeutics in the future. This book reviews and highlights our recent understanding on the function and ligands of TLRs as well as their role in autoimmunity, dendritic cell activation and target structures for therapeutic intervention.



New Health Technologies: Managing Access, Value and Sustainability

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This report discusses the need for an integrated and cyclical approach to managing health technology in order to mitigate clinical and financial risks, and ensure acceptable value for money. The analysis considers how health systems and policy makers should adapt in terms of development, assessment and uptake of health technologies. The first chapter provides an examination of adoption and impact of medical technology in the past and how health systems are preparing for continuation of such trends in the future. Subsequent chapters examine the need to balance innovation, value, and access for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, respectively, followed by a consideration of their combined promise in the area of precision medicine. The final chapter examines how health systems can make better use of health data and digital technologies. The report focuses on opportunities linked to new and emerging technologies as well as current challenges faced by policy makers, and suggests a new governance framework to address these challenges.



Craniofacial Distraction 1st ed

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This book, edited by a leading pioneer of craniofacial distraction, summarizes the progress achieved in the field in a way that will serve the needs of the practicing clinician.  All components of the craniofacial anatomy are covered and all topics are discussed in depth: clinical and anatomic pathology, diagnostic studies, treatment protocols, preoperative planning (including the latest virtual programs), device selection, operating room technical considerations, postoperative management, and intermediate/long-term follow-up. Relevant and timely studies from the literature are cited. The book is excellently illustrated, with many patient photos, radiographs, and drawings. Craniofacial Distraction will be a superb, up-to-date resource for a wide range of practitioners, including maxillofacial surgeons, craniofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, head and neck surgeons, pediatric surgeons, orthodontists, prosthodontists, and pedodontists.



Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10th Edition

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This handbook, which in its early lustrous years served physicians, pharmacists, and pharmacy students, is unlike any other drug reference book in that it allows readers to compare and contrast various drugs within drug categories, thereby enabling them to make decisions on which drug to administer. All other drug reference books merely repeat the drug manufacturers’ literature, with no analysis of that information. Nor are there any reports from the published literature concerning use and efficacy of the drugs listed. The clinical drug information with part II contains chapters on drug-induced diseases, drug interactions and interferences, drug use in special populations, immunization, medical emergencies, and nutrition support. There are also appendices that contain useful conversion factors, anthropometrics, and laboratory indices.

Unique Features:

  • Comprehensive comparison charts of drugs by class for easy clinical decision making
  • Tables that help rapidly identify the cause of adverse drug effects in your patients
  • Guides to the optimal choice of drugs in special populations, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, renal disease, and dialysis
  • The only referenced drug handbook–includes over 3,600 literature citations
  • Tabbing guide for easy location of drug categories
  • Extensive cross-referenced index that includes Canadian and British drug names



How to Break Bad News: A Guide for Health Care Professionals 1st Edition

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“This short, easy-to-read book . . . has a great potential to improve the way clinicians understand the process of breaking bad news” – Annals of Internal Medicine “At last, we have a wise, useful, readable textbook on the communication of unpleasant information” – New England Journal of Medicine

“This short, easy-to-read book… has a great potential to improve the way clinicians understand the process of breaking bad news. The book features clear writing, believable examples, and practical suggestions… Clinicians of every specialty and skill level will benefit from How to Break Bad News. Further, it should be required reading for all medical students and residents who plan to take care of people.”

(Annals of Internal Medicine)

“In his fine book, Robert Buckman… presents a well-organized, thoughtful, and readily assimilated approach to breaking bad news… At last, we have a wise, useful, readable textbook on the communication of unpleasant information… Buckman has treated an enormously important and complex topic in a sensible, practical, and engaging fashion. Sophisticated concepts are put forth concisely, clearly, and simply, with relatively little jargon… This thoughtful and stimulating presentation will be appreciated by all clinicians faced with the difficult task of sharing bad news.”

(New England Journal of Medicine)

“This is an exceptional and important book that excels in its organization, readability, practicality, value, and relevance to family medicine… The book would be helpful (and should be required reading) for health professions students, residents, and junior practitioners of all specialties, but the text is so practical that even seasoned clinicians (perhaps unaware of suboptimal communication styles) would benefit.”



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