Obesity During Pregnancy in Clinical Practice

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This book summarizes the effects of overweight/obesity in the childbearing years that can be effectively communicated to patients by their providers in a busy practice setting, and provides concise and understandable summaries of the evidence-based, theory-driven lifestyle interventions that have been shown to be effective for weight loss and modifying the risk of developing diabetes and obesity.



Chromogranins: from Cell Biology to Physiology and Biomedicine (UNIPA Springer Series) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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The volume is designed to provide an integrated overview of the results from the last fifteen years of research on Chromogranins in relation to cell biology, physiology and biomedicine. The different chapters highlight novel activities of these proteins, including their role in granule biogenesis, hormone co-storage, stimulus-processing-secretion coupling, autonomic sympathetic/parasympathetic balance, immune and cardiocirculatory function, and the response to stress. Biomedical aspects are also illustrated with focus on the prognostic and diagnostic significance of Chromogranin in the presence of tumors, cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory conditions.

The volume is of interest for laboratory and clinical scientists, PhD and Post-doc students that will be inspired to go deep inside the molecular, biochemical, physiological, pharmacological and clinical aspects of these fascinating multifaceted proteins.



Ex Vivo Engineering of the Tumor Microenvironment (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) 1st ed

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This volume will outline how to recreate the tumor microenvironment, to culture primary tumors without the need for developmental priming factors, and to deliver targeted therapeutics in a manner that recapitulates pharmacokinetics in vivo. Much of what may be learned from this volume will aid in understanding many aspects of the enhanced study of tumor cell biology in a physiologic context, open new avenues for drug screening and biomarker development, and accelerate the preclinical evaluation of novel personalized medicine strategies for patients in real time.



E-Therapy for Substance Abuse and Co-Morbidity (SpringerBriefs in Social Work)

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This brief provides an overview of the emerging field of Electronic Therapy, E-Therapy, with a specific focus on alcohol and substance abuse. Understanding barriers that prevent individuals from seeking necessary mental health treatment is at the center of the development and analysis of practice models of care. Geographic location, transportation, language barriers and other situations contribute to difficulties in obtaining adequate treatment for mental illness. E-Therapy eliminates these barriers by administering counseling and mental health services through audio or audiovisual means. This brief examines E-Therapy best practices as they apply to alcohol and substance abuse intervention and prevention.



Management of Early Progressive Corneal Ectasia: Accelerated Crosslinking Principles 1st ed

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About the Author

Principles and Practice of Case-based Clinical Reasoning Education: A Method for Preclinical Students (Innovation and Change in Professional Education)

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This volume describes and explains the educational method of Case-Based Clinical Reasoning (CBCR) used successfully in medical schools to prepare students to think like doctors before they enter the clinical arena and become engaged in patient care. Although this approach poses the paradoxical problem of a lack of clinical experience that is so essential for building proficiency in clinical reasoning, CBCR is built on the premise that solving clinical problems involves the ability to reason about disease processes. This requires knowledge of anatomy and the working and pathology of organ systems, as well as the ability to regard patient problems as patterns and compare them with instances of illness scripts of patients the clinician has seen in the past and stored in memory. CBCR stimulates the development of early, rudimentary illness scripts through elaboration and systematic discussion of the courses of action from the initial presentation of the patient to the final steps of clinical management.

The book combines general backgrounds of clinical reasoning education and assessment with a detailed elaboration of the CBCR method for application in any medical curriculum, either as a mandatory or as an elective course. It consists of three parts: a general introduction to clinical reasoning education, application of the CBCR method, and cases that can used by educators to try out this method.



Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Regeneration and Repair (Springer Series in Translational Stroke Research) 1st ed

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This book discusses recent advances in the field of translational stroke research. The editors have designed the book to provide new insight into the importance of regeneration and repair mechanisms for stroke victims. The editors have brought together a talented group of international stroke researchers and clinicians to contribute to this volume, which is written for students, researchers and physicians in biotechnology, neurosciences, neurology, neuroradiology and neurosurgery.

Throughout the world, stroke is still a leading cause of mortality and morbidity; there are 152,000 strokes in the United Kingdom, 62,000 in Canada, and approximately 15 million people worldwide. Large communities of stroke survivors are eagerly awaiting scientific advances in translational stroke research related to regeneration and recovery of function that would offer new therapeutics for rehabilitation and regeneration utilizing novel stem cell and molecular-based approaches. This volume will allow the reader to understand the future of stroke treatment from its inception in the laboratory through to clinical trial design. The reader will learn about the recent advances made in these areas related to basic and applied stroke research and their translational potential.

Dr. Paul A. Lapchak is Professor of Neurology and Director of Translational Research in the Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles CA, USA. Dr. Lapchak is an internationally recognized expert conducting translational drug development research for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

Dr. John H. Zhang is Professor of Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Physiology, and Director, Center for Neuroscience Research at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA, USA. Dr. Zhang is an internationally recognized expert working on drug development for hemorrhagic stroke.



Medicinal Plants and Environmental Challenges 1st ed

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About the Author

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