McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Pediatrics, Second Edition 2nd Edition

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1000+ Q&As and 100+ real-world cases provide all the preparation you need for any pediatric examination and the boards
McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review: Pediatrics is the perfect way to prepare for any type of pediatric test or examination required for training and certification. You’ll find everything you need in one comprehensive case-based review: more than 1000 board-style questions, answers with thorough explanations, more than 100 cases, full-color illustrations, and material that follows the exam content requirement of the American Board of Pediatrics.
Here’s why this is the best review tool for any pediatric examination:
- More than 1000 board-style multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations
- Progressive case-based approach, includes real-life clinical vignettes
- Covers all areas addressed by the board and recertification examinations, across all subspecialties
- 4-page color insert, featuring 33 color photographs for cases pertinent to emergency medicine, dermatology, and infectious diseases
- Cases and questions emphasize understanding key medical concepts fundamental to pediatric practice making it easily transferrable to real-life clinical situations
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