Hurst’s the Heart Manual of Cardiology, 12th Edition 12th Edition

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A complete pocket guide to diagnosing and treating the full range of heart problems
A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!
“This is an excellent counterpart to larger references (including Hurst’s the Heart, 12th edition, Fuster et al. (McGraw-Hill, 2008), as the original intent of the authors). The chapters are short, succinct, and well written. The handbook makes excellent use of tables, algorithms, diagrams, and figures to synthesize key aspects of cardiovascular disease and care. Treatment recommendations take into account current ACC/AHA Clinical Practice Guidelines and are very specific about the indications for therapy. The chapters are written by established experts and are well referenced. Its portability makes it an instant rapid-access resource, invaluable for physicians doing bedside rounds”–Doody’s Review Service
Summarizing the clinical sections of Hurst’s the Heart, 12e, this point-of-care resource covers the key points of cardiovascular pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment in a quick-access presentation, making it essential for rounds, at the bedside, or on the wards.
- Updated information on cardiovascular drugs highlights the latest indications, important data, and side effects
- Full coverage of vital topics such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease in the elderly
- Current US and European practice guidelines and treatment protocols help reinforce clinical decision-making
- Translation of genetic basis of arrhythmias to clinical practice provides a solid framework for diagnostic techniques
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