Master the Wards: Survive IM Clerkship and Ace the Shelf (Master the Boards) Second Edition

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The three-month Internal Medicine clerkship plunges senior med students onto the hospital floor, the emergency department, and the clinic. What is expected of you? Don’t embarrass yourself on rounds. Know the medicine and look alike a rock star in front of your attending.
Master the Wards: Survive IM Clerkship & Ace the Shelf combines the advice of med school students on their third-year rotations with the expectations of residents and attending teaching physicians. With charts, diagrams, and dozens of full-color diagnostic images, this concise guide will help you survive the daily challenges of clerkship–and thrive!
* NEW: Index for easy topical reference
* NEW: Spiral binding holds your place, fits in your pocket
* What labs to check that your attending is guaranteed to request
* When to treat immediately, before testing
* What residents look for on rounds, and what will you be asked
* What to ask before you walk into the patient’s room
* Solid advice on efficiency and survival from peers who have been there
Download this book free here
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