Internal Limiting Membrane Surgery
Internal Limiting Membrane Surgery

Internal Limiting Membrane Surgery
This book describes and illustrates the various operative techniques employed in internal limiting membrane (ILM) surgery in patients with different macular diseases. Clear guidance is first provided on terminology, bearing in mind that, in the past, methods and results have often been misread or misunderstood owing to confusing terms. Instruction is then given on handling of the ILM and the use of vital dyes and vitreous substitute. ILM peeling, ILM insertion, and ILM flap techniques are explained, and detailed descriptions are provided of the ILM surgical procedures currently performed in conditions such as macular hole, epiretinal membrane, diabetic macular edema, myopic tractional maculopathy, retinal detachment, and optic pit maculopathy.
In addition, a chapter is devoted to the postoperative anatomical and functional changes to the macula after ILM surgery in order to help readers both to understand the mechanism of metamorphopsia and to reduce this symptom. The book will be an excellent up-to-date guide for all vitreoretinal surgeons.
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