Avoiding and Managing Complications in Cosmetic Oculofacial Surgery
Avoiding and Managing Complications in Cosmetic Oculofacial Surgery

Avoiding and Managing Complications in Cosmetic Oculofacial Surgery
This unique book focuses solely on educating aesthetic practitioners on how to best avoid complications. Should complications occur, the text, alongside high quality images and supplementary video, details how best to deal with them in terms of the patient’s findings, individual anatomy, and emotional state. Avoiding and Managing Complications in Cosmetic Oculofacial Surgery is divided into four sections for ease of use: meticulous preoperative planning, including proper patient selection; potential intraoperative complications and their management; postoperative complication-specific management such as lower eyelid retraction; and special topics including scar management, crease asymmetry, and complications of other periocular surgery and non-surgical procedures.
Drawing on the vast experiences of the volume editors as oculofacial surgeons as well as the varied experiences of the contributors from facial plastics and dermatology this book provides a useful and vital tool for aesthetic practitioners in any specialty.
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