Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery (GRABB’S PLASTIC SURGERY) Seventh Edition

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Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery has long been considered the premier reference for plastic surgery residents and practitioners. So it should be no surprise that for this 7th edition major steps have been taken to completely revise and refresh its content.
As always, this single-volume reference covers all major areas of plastic and reconstructive surgery, including pediatric issues. But updates in this latest edition include a complete reworking of the section on the Hand, an expansion of the dermatology coverage, a new section on body contouring, and 11 new chapters; Principles of Awake Sedation, Otoplasty, Congenital Anomalies of the Breast, Brachioplasty and Upper Trunk Contouring, Principles of Plastic Surgery after Massive Weight Loss, Anesthetic Techniques in the Upper Extremity; Management of Mutiliating Injuries of the Upper Extremity, Hand Tumors, Vascular Disorders of the Upper Limb, Management of the Burned Hand, and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Atypical Arthritic Conditions of the Hand.
• Chapters are short and high-yield
• Written by recognized experts, edited by a brand new editorial board
• Over 2,000 illustrations, including 1,500 in full-color
• Solution site
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