Essentials of Anesthesia for Infants and Neonates 1st Edition

Essentials of Anesthesia for Infants and Neonates 1st Edition
It is estimated that 1.5 million infants undergo surgery and anesthesia in the USA each year. However, there are serious concerns within the pediatric anesthesia community regarding the safety of anaesthesia in infants and children. There is mounting evidence from animal studies that anesthetics in common clinical use are neurotoxic to the developing brain and cause long-term neurobehavioral abnormalities. Essentials of Anesthesia for Infants and Neonates provides a comprehensive guide to the special needs of infants undergoing anesthesia. It focuses on the first year of life, the time when anesthesia mortality and morbidity is highest. Chapters are illustrated in color throughout, and include sections on newborn physiology for anesthetic management, specific procedures, pain management, and topics such as regional anesthesia and sedation. Written by nationally recognized experts, this book will become an invaluable point of reference for any physician interested in pain management in the first year of life.
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