Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children 9th Edition

Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children 9th Edition
Now thoroughly up to date with new chapters and new multimedia resources, Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 9th Edition, by Drs. Peter Davis and Franklyn Cladis, covers the information you need to provide effective perioperative care for any type of pediatric surgery. Leading experts in pediatric anesthesia bring you up to date with every aspect of both basic science and clinical practice, helping you incorporate the latest clinical guidelines and innovations in your practice.
Quick-reference appendices: drug dosages, growth curves, normal values for pulmonary function tests, and a listing of common and uncommon syndromes.
Outstanding visual guidance in full color throughout the book.
Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
More than 100 video demonstrations, including new regional anesthesia videos, echocardiograms of congenital heart lesions, anatomic dissections of various congenital heart specimens with audio explanations, various pediatric surgical operative procedures, airway management, and much more.
Table of Contents has been reorganized and new chapters added on statistics, sedation, pediatric obesity, and cardiac critical care pediatrics.
A new chapter on regional anesthesia for pediatrics, including video and ultrasound demonstrations online.
A new chapter on dermatology, specifically for the anesthesiologist, with more than 100 photos.
A new chapter on medical missions to third-world countries, including what you should know before you go.
A new Questions chapter provides opportunities for self-assessment.
New coverage includes cardiac anesthesia for congenital heart disease, anesthesia outside the operating room, and a new neonatology primer for the pediatric anesthesiologist.
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