Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Third Edition: A Clinical Companion 3rd Edition

Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Third Edition: A Clinical Companion 3rd Edition

A comprehensive, step-by-step, well-illustrated introduction to common clinical procedures

This text is a user-friendly guide to performing 77 clinical procedures, ranging from those commonly performed to those infrequently called upon when minutes count in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings. This heavily updated third edition includes current and comprehensive text, graphic, and video instruction on the use of bedside ultrasound for procedural guidance in order to increase procedural accuracy and mitigate complications. Edited and written by academically accomplished physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners, an interprofessional approach to the performance of procedures is highlighted throughout the book.

Procedures are consistently formatted and presented in clear language with step-by-step detail organized by system-specific categories for easy access to information. Each procedure includes background considerations, indications & contraindications for performing the procedure, technique for safe and correct performance, special considerations, complications, post-procedure considerations, and patient education points. Original photos, videos, high quality sonographic footage, line drawings, and tables reinforce the guidelines and procedures. Abundant “Clinical Pearls” throughout the manuscript offer practical applications of key information representing years of clinical technical experience. Extensive references at the end of each chapter further enhance the book’s utility

New to the Third Edition:
Delivers 16 completely new chapters covering a plethora of newly added procedures, incorporating an interprofessional approach to performing procedures
Previous chapters have been extensively updated and expanded
Provides new illustrative videos
Presents a corresponding list of CPT codes
Key Features:
Delivers current, concise, step-by-step information for performing 77 commonly and less commonly used clinical procedures
Provides abundant four-color photos and figures illustrating each procedure
Organized by body system to provide fast access to key information
Enriched with point of care ultrasound guided procedures
Thoroughly introduces and teaches sonography at the most fundamental level as an important tool to enhance accuracy of procedures
Reflects latest guidelines and evidence-based practice
Includes prominently displayed links to numerous videos throughout the text
Includes 12 months’ free Springer Connect Digital Access with print purchase!



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