Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound 2nd Edition

Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound 2nd Edition

Featuring contributions from internationally recognized experts in point-of-care sonography, Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Second Edition combines a wealth of images with clear, succinct text to help beginners, as well as experienced sonographers, develop and refine their sonography skills.

The book contains chapters devoted to scanning the chest, abdomen, head and neck, and extremities, as well as paediatric evaluations, ultrasound-guided vascular access, and more. An entire section is devoted to the syndromic approach for an array of symptoms and patient populations, including chest and abdominal pain, respiratory distress, HIV and TB coinfected patients, and pregnant patients. Also included is expert guidance on administering ultrasound in a variety of challenging environments, such as communities and regions with underdeveloped healthcare systems, hostile environments, and cyberspace.

Each chapter begins with an introduction to the focused scan under discussion and a detailed description of methods for obtaining useful images. This is followed by examples of normal and abnormal scans, along with discussions of potential pitfalls of the technique, valuable insights from experienced users, and summaries of the most up-to-date evidence.

Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Second Edition is a valuable working resource for emergency medicine residents and trainees, practitioners who are just bringing ultrasound scanning into their practices, and clinicians with many years of sonographic experience.



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