DeMyer’s The Neurologic Examination: A Programmed Text, Seventh Edition 7th Edition

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The single-best guide to learning how to perform the diagnostic neurologic examination – enhanced by more than 80 online videos
Presented in full color, DeMyer’s provides neurologists and psychiatrists in training with a proven, didactic way to learn the complicated technique of using the physical examination to diagnose neurologic illness. This trusted classic also reviews the anatomy and physiology necessary to interpret the examination, and it details the laboratory tests and neuroimaging best suited for a particular clinical problem. You will also find complete, up-to-date coverage of the latest imaging modalities for assessing disease.
Utilizing a learn at your own pace teaching approach, DeMyer’s The Neurologic Examination features valuable learning aids such as:
- Full-color illustrations that clearly explain neuroanatomy and physiology
- Detailed tables and mnemonics to help you remember important steps and signs to look for during the examination
- Learning Objectives to help you organize and retain important takeaways from each chapter
- Questions and answers within the text to reinforce key points
- Clear algorithms that reveal the differential diagnoses of common neurologic symptoms
- NEW! More than 80 online clinical vignette videos
If you are looking for authoritative, step-by-step guidance from experienced teachers/clinicians on how to perform an accomplished neurologic examination, your search ends with DeMyer’s.
Jose Biller, MD is Chair of the Department of Neurology at Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, Illinois
Gregory Gruener, MD, MBA is Professor in the Department of Neurology and Director, Ralph P. Leischner, Jr. MD Institute for Medical Education at Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, Illinois
Paul W. Brazis, MD is Professor of Neurology in the Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology at the Mayo Medical School, and Consultant in Neurology and Neuro-Ophthalmology at the Mayo Clinic-Jacksonville, Florida.
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