Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery 14/E 14th Edition

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Evidence-based, point-of-care information on 1000 diseases and disorders most often treated by surgeons
A Doody’s Core Title for 2015.
- Expansive coverage of general surgery and all subspecialties you need to be versed in, including otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, gynecology, orthopedics, urology, and pediatrics
- Intuitively organized to help you find answers quickly and easily
- More than 600 photographs and illustrations
- Detailed treatment algorithms
- NEW! Chapter-ending multiple-choice questions
- An outstanding review for the USMLE and shelf exams
- Updated throughout with the latest research and discoveries
“All medical libraries should acquire this book, which is an outstanding text for medical students.” — 4-star Doody’s review of a previous edition
Essential for students, residents, practitioners, and surgeons
The best introductory text to the field of surgery
Download this book free here
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