Clinical Surgery 2nd Edition

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Blackwell’s Clinical Surgery has established itself as an excellent indispensable resource for undergraduate medical students and house officers. The first edition was Awarded 1997 BMA Certificate of Commendation. Written by an outstanding team of editors and expert contirbutors, the new updaetd and revised edition has been designed as a complete learning guide.
Unlike competing titles, Clinical Surgery covers the following all in one book!
- Symptoms and signs of surgical disease
- Diagnosis and investigations
- Treatment and procedures
The book is divided into five sections:
- Clinical Skills and Investigations
- Perioperative Care
- The Management Of Acute Surgical Illness and Trauma
- General Surgery
- Specialist Surgery
The new edition features:
- Revised chapters with updated and refreshed material, written in a systematic format to aid learning and enhance understanding
- 15 new chapters with more information providing you with everything you need to know
- Blackwell’s famous At A Glance boxes for the most common surgical conditions and common clinical presentations
- Must Know/Must Do boxes – to aid learning and revision through self-assessment
- Clinically orientated information on practical procedures
- Evidence Based Medicine references for further reading and research
- Excellent full colour illustrations and a new attractive and easy to use format
The second edition of Clinical Surgery is perfect for undergraduate and junior doctors alike as well as other health professionals who need a comprehensive account of surgery in all the major medical specialities. With a strong emphasis on clinical practice and the necessary knowledge and skills, this is a must-buy for anyone going on a surgical rotation. Clinical Surgery is intended to teach you everything you need to know about surgery at the start of your career.
Pre-publication quotes
“I do not think it is an understatement to say that it is a revolutionary book. It is obviously written with integrated courses very much in mind and manages to integrate the basic sciences with clinical information very well…. Maybe above all things, this is a very practically orientated book and really attempts to mould the medical student in to a very good house officer.”
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