Workplace-Based Assessments in Psychiatric Training 1st Edition

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In psychiatry, as in many other medical disciplines, training is shifting from an emphasis on testing factual knowledge towards a system based on continuing assessment and the acquisition of practical skills and competencies. Workplace Based Assessments in Psychiatric Training describes current approaches to these new assessment systems around the world, provides practical advice regarding their implementation and makes recommendations for future developments. The book opens with an overview and analysis of methods of workplace-based assessments, followed by a review of the trainee assessment from the patient perspective. Chapters contain in-depth, detailed discussion of recent developments in Canada, Denmark, India, the UK and the USA. The book reviews both technical developments in assessment tools and techniques and the socio-political context within which these have taken place. With a practical focus and unique global perspective, this is a ‘must buy’ for anyone responsible for the supervision of psychiatric trainees.
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