Vessel Based Imaging Techniques: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
Vessel Based Imaging Techniques: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Vessel Based Imaging Techniques: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
This book provides comprehensive information on new and existing vessel imaging techniques, with the intention of improving diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of vascular and related diseases. In recent years, vessel wall imaging has expanded greatly into other beds (such as the intracranial and peripheral arteries) and many of the techniques available for evaluation and diagnosis have only previously been published in research papers. This book bridges that gap for clinicians, applying cutting edge research to their everyday practice. The first six sections of the book are centered around individual vessel beds. These chapters will teach clinicians the multi-modality imaging techniques available to image these vessels and related pathology with a focus on new imaging tools and techniques. The final two sections of the book will offer a more comprehensive technical background aimed at imaging scientists for the imaging techniques used and the relationship of blood flow and modeling to disease monitoring and prevention. This is an ideal guide for radiologists and imaging scientists looking to learn the latest techniques in vessel imaging.
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