Vander’s Human Physiology 15th Edition

Vander’s Human Physiology 15th Edition
Eric Widmaier (Boston University), Hershel Raff (Medical College of Wisconsin), and Kevin Strang (University of Wisconsin) have taken on the challenge of maintaining the strengths and reputation of Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function. Moving beyond the listing of mere facts, it stresses the causal chains of events that constitute the mechanisms of body function. The fundamental purpose of this textbook is to present the principles and facts of human physiology in a format that is suitable for undergraduates, regardless of academic background or field of study. Vander’s Human Physiology, fifteenth edition, carries on the tradition of clarity and accuracy, while refining and updating the content to meet the needs of today’s instructors and students. The new edition offers an integrated package of textual and digital material to help deliver basic and clinical content, real-life applications, and educational technologies to students of physiology. With the 15th edition of Vander’s Human Physiology, all these pieces come together to facilitate learning and enthusiasm for understanding the mechanisms of body function. Users who purchase Connect A&P receive access to the following digital resources: LearnSmart, PrepSmartBookTegrity (Lecture Capture), Ph.i.L.S. (Physiology Interactive Laboratory Simulations), Anatomy & Physiology Revealed (Cadaver Version.)
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