Triathlon Anatomy

Triathlon Anatomy

See what it takes to maximize multisport strength, power, speed, and endurance.

Let Triathlon Anatomy, Second Edition, prepare you for the starting line and show you how to reach your personal best by increasing muscular strength and optimizing the efficiency of every movement.

Triathlon Anatomy features 74 of the most effective multisport exercises with step-by-step descriptions and full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting the muscles in action. But you’ll see much more than the exercises—you’ll also see the results.

For each exercise, a Triathlon Focus feature illustrates how the movement is fundamentally linked to performance in each sport. You’ll see how to strengthen muscles and increase stamina for cycling steep inclines, running across various terrains, and swimming in open water.

You’ll learn how to modify exercises to target specific areas, reduce muscle tension, and minimize common injuries. Best of all, you’ll learn how to put it all together to develop a training program based on your individual needs and goals.

Whether you’re training for your first triathlon or preparing for your next Ironman, Triathlon Anatomy will ensure you’re ready to deliver your personal best.



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