Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided FNA 4th ed. 2018 Edition

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In this concise, gold-standard 4th edition book, the volume editors and authors synthesize the prior three editions and provide a comprehensive and expanded review on the latest in the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules, as well as an update on parathyroid disease and non-endocrine lesions of the neck. This user-friendly edition again emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to thyroid ultrasound and UGFNA, offering all the new information and subtleties clinicians must know in the application of this technique, now firmly established as a primary tool for diagnosing and managing thyroid disease. Developed by renowned experts in thyroid and parathyroid disease, the book covers not only thyroid and parathyroid disease, but also imaging of the salivary glands and other non-endocrine lesions of the neck. In this edition, the authors expand the chapters on both surgical and non-surgical management. Given the increased use of molecular markers in thyroid evaluation, an excellent chapter addresses this topic. Finally, as more endocrinologists and surgeons perform ultrasounds in their office practices, a chapter on authoring ultrasound reports is now included. Combining the collective wisdom of specialists who treat patients with thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer and parathyroid disease, Handbook of Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided FNA, 4th Edition is an invaluable resource and will continue serving as the “go to” guide for surgeons, endocrinologists, fellows and residents.

Foreword by Peter A. Singer, MD, Chief of Clinical Endocrinology and Director, Thyroid Diagnostic Center, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA.



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