The SAGES Manual of Biliary Surgery
The SAGES Manual of Biliary Surgery

The SAGES Manual of Biliary Surgery
Although benign biliary disease is an area in which many surgeons have experience, there are many nuances to providing the highest quality of surgical care. The biliary anatomy is unique but presents with anatomical variances and can be distorted by benign pathology. Biliary surgery has been one of the areas where minimally invasive techniques were first applied in the late 1980s. However, surgical technique has continued to evolve due to acquisition of advanced minimal surgical skills and improvement in surgical technology. The expertise, sage, and knowledge of the members of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgery (SAGES) have prioritized the creation of this manual on modern biliary surgery.
This manual will provide the standard for the current state of biliary surgery in the 21st century. The SAGES Manual of Biliary Surgery will align with the new SAGES University Masters program. The Manual supplements the Masters Program Biliary Surgery Pathway. Its goal is to help the surgeon progress from the competent to the proficient and finally to the mastery level.
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