The Fat Resistance Diet By Leo Galland M.D

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Cutting-edge research shows that losing weight is not about carbs, calories, or even willpower—it’s about a hormone called leptin, and how it functions in your body. Leptin is your body’s natural weight-loss mechanism: it curbs your appetite, jump-starts your metabolism, and when working properly makes you literally fat resistant—you will lose weight effortlessly and efficiently and never gain those pounds back.
If you’re struggling to lose weight, chances are you are “leptin resistant”—your body no longer responds to leptin, making it impossible for you to slim down. The Fat Resistance Diet is the first and only eating plan designed specifically to combat leptin resistance and reprogram your body to start melting away the pounds. Using a breakthrough combination of anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing foods, the three-phase regimen delivers:
A loss of six to ten pounds in the first two weeks.
A loss of at least two pounds a week thereafter.
Fun, flavorful meals that make sticking with the plan a breeze.
An easy maintenance program that keeps you fat resistant for life.
With over 100 delicious recipes designed for maximum satisfaction and eating pleasure, the Fat Resistance Diet is the only diet you’ll ever need—a brand new way to eat that will transform your body into a lean, fat-fighting machine.
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