Textbook of Stroke Medicine 3rd Edition

Textbook of Stroke Medicine 3rd Edition

Textbook of Stroke Medicine 3rd Edition

Concise and informative, this guide is for doctors preparing to specialise in stroke care and strokologists looking for rapid but in-depth scientific guidance on stroke management. This third edition is fully revised to ensure that medical professionals are completely up-to-date in this fast-moving field. Its practical and problem-based approach covers all important issues of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, and reviews epidemiology and risk assessment. This new edition features expanded sections on topics of stroke unit management, thrombolysis, neurointerventions, cognitive impairment, secondary prevention and rehabilitation, and includes new chapters on neurointensive care and small vessel disease. Comprehensive in its coverage, the textbook includes acute assessment, imaging and emergency interventions. The authors are renowned experts in their field and have been working together in a teaching faculty for the European Master in Stroke Medicine Programme, which is supported by the European Stroke Organisation and the World Stroke Organisation.








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