Strauss and Mayer’s Emergency Department Management 1st Edition

Strauss and Mayer’s Emergency Department Management 1st Edition

A Comprehensive, Practical Text on Effectively Running an Emergency Department

Emergency Department Management is a real-world, pragmatic guide designed to help emergency department managers efficiently handle the many complex issues that arise in this challenging clinical environment. Written by professionals who have spent their entire careers in the service of emergency department patients, this unique text delivers practical solutions to virtually any problem that may arise in running an emergency department or acute care center.


  • Leadership Principles
  • Operations
  • Informatics
  • Quality and Service
  • Finance
  • Reimbursement
  • Contracts
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues
  • Malpractice
  • Human Resources

    Emergency Department Management offers the guidance and expertise required to deliver consistent, rapid, high-quality care. It is the single-best resource available to help you navigate the leadership challenges that arise daily in the emergency department.


ABC of Emergency Radiology (ABC Series) 3rd Edition

ABC of Emergency Radiology (ABC Series) 3rd Edition

Rapid acquisition and interpretation of radiographs, portable ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) are now the mainstay of initial successful management of sick and traumatized patients presenting to Accident and Emergency Departments.

The ABC of Emergency Radiology is a simple and logical step-by-step guide on how to interpret radiographs, US and CT. It incorporates all the latest technological advances, including replacing plain radiographs with digital radiographs, changes in imaging protocols and the role of portable US and multidetector CT.

With over 400 illustrations and annotated radiographs, this thoroughly revised third edition provides more images, new illustrations, and new chapters on emergency US and CT that reflect current practice. Each chapter starts with radiological anatomy, standard and then additional views, a systematic approach to interpretation (ABC approach) and followed by a review of common abnormalities.

The ABC of Emergency Radiology is an invaluable resource for accident and emergency staff, trainee radiologists, medical students, nurses, radiographers and all medical personnel involved in the immediate care of trauma patients.

This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunesGoogle Play or the MedHand Store.


Emergency Medical Services, 2 Volumes: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight 3rd Edition

Emergency Medical Services, 2 Volumes: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight 3rd Edition

The two-volume Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight delivers a thorough foundation upon which to succeed as an EMS medical director and prepare for the NAEMSP National EMS Medical Directors Course and Practicum. Focusing on EMS in the ‘real world’, the book offers specific management tools that will be useful in the reader’s own local EMS system and provides contextual understanding of how EMS functions within the broader emergency care system at a state, local, and national level.

The two volumes offer the core knowledge trainees will need to successfully complete their training and begin their career as EMS physicians, regardless of the EMS systems in use in their areas. A companion website rounds out the book’s offerings with audio and video clips of EMS best practice in action. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:

  • A thorough introduction to the history of EMS
  • An exploration of EMS airway management, including procedures and challenges, as well as how to manage ventilation, oxygenation, and breathing in patients, including cases of respiratory distress
  • Practical discussions of medical problems, including the challenges posed by the undifferentiated patient, altered mental status, cardiac arrest and dysrhythmias, seizures, stroke, and allergic reactions
  • An examination of EMS systems, structure, and leadership


Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Third Edition: A Clinical Companion 3rd Edition

Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Third Edition: A Clinical Companion 3rd Edition

A comprehensive, step-by-step, well-illustrated introduction to common clinical procedures

This text is a user-friendly guide to performing 77 clinical procedures, ranging from those commonly performed to those infrequently called upon when minutes count in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings. This heavily updated third edition includes current and comprehensive text, graphic, and video instruction on the use of bedside ultrasound for procedural guidance in order to increase procedural accuracy and mitigate complications. Edited and written by academically accomplished physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners, an interprofessional approach to the performance of procedures is highlighted throughout the book.

Procedures are consistently formatted and presented in clear language with step-by-step detail organized by system-specific categories for easy access to information. Each procedure includes background considerations, indications & contraindications for performing the procedure, technique for safe and correct performance, special considerations, complications, post-procedure considerations, and patient education points. Original photos, videos, high quality sonographic footage, line drawings, and tables reinforce the guidelines and procedures. Abundant “Clinical Pearls” throughout the manuscript offer practical applications of key information representing years of clinical technical experience. Extensive references at the end of each chapter further enhance the book’s utility

New to the Third Edition:
Delivers 16 completely new chapters covering a plethora of newly added procedures, incorporating an interprofessional approach to performing procedures
Previous chapters have been extensively updated and expanded
Provides new illustrative videos
Presents a corresponding list of CPT codes
Key Features:
Delivers current, concise, step-by-step information for performing 77 commonly and less commonly used clinical procedures
Provides abundant four-color photos and figures illustrating each procedure
Organized by body system to provide fast access to key information
Enriched with point of care ultrasound guided procedures
Thoroughly introduces and teaches sonography at the most fundamental level as an important tool to enhance accuracy of procedures
Reflects latest guidelines and evidence-based practice
Includes prominently displayed links to numerous videos throughout the text
Includes 12 months’ free Springer Connect Digital Access with print purchase!


Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook: A Tool for Bringing the Curriculum to Life 2nd Edition

Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook: A Tool for Bringing the Curriculum to Life 2nd Edition

Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook provides medical educators with clear and systematic guidance on incorporating medical simulation into their curriculum. Now in its second edition, this invaluable workbook helps those tasked with training emergency physicians, nurses, and technicians deliver the highest quality training and achieve optimal results. Chapters written by a team of expert authors explain how to use advanced simulation technology to realistically portray clinical scenarios without any risk to real patients.

Fully annotated cases cover key topics including cardiovascular, thoracic and respiratory emergencies, trauma, toxicologic and infectious emergencies, and more. Throughout the text, practical “tips and tricks” accompany case images and patient data to help educators easily deploy simulation-based learning and tailor their curriculum for novice and advanced students alike.

This workbook also:

Helps medical educators train students in diverse settings where it is impractical to work directly with patients
Highlights the unique benefits of integrating medical simulation in diverse, acute, and emergency care training scenarios
Features numerous clinical cases that cover the full spectrum of emergency medicine pathology
Includes access to a companion website with patient histories, video clips, downloadable imaging and laboratory results in PowerPoint format, and additional resources
An indispensable tool designed to make simulation more accessible, Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook remains a must-have guide for all medical educators in the field.


Emergency Dermatology 2nd Edition

Emergency Dermatology 2nd Edition

There are many emergencies that the dermatologist needs to address and many cutaneous diseases in the emergency room that require rapid dermatologic consultation. The dermatologist is frequently the first physician to examine such patients before a hospital admission and also the first to identify a critical situation, stabilize the patient, and choose urgent and appropriate intervention. Both the practicing dermatologist and the emergency physician will benefit from the revised and updated edition of this text from top international dermatologists, enabling them to hone their diagnostic skills, expand their knowledge and understanding of pathologic events, and learn treatment options available for acute life-threatening skin diseases in this complicated and multifaceted field.


Emergency Care (EMT) 13th Edition

Emergency Care (EMT) 13th Edition

For courses in Emergency Medical Technician Training and Emergency Medical Services



Help students think like EMTs with the gold standard for EMT training

For over 30 years, Emergency Care has provided generations of EMT students with the practical information they need to succeed in the classroom and in the field. Updated with the latest research and developments in emergency medical services, this edition meets the 2010 American Heart Association guidelines for CPR and ECC. Using the National EMS Education Standards as a foundation, Emergency Care goes beyond the Standards to provide the most current, accurate reflection of EMS practice today. The text integrates scientific principles in an easy-to-understand way, with a host of critical-thinking features that help students learn to think like EMTs.


Also available with MyBRADYLab

This title is also available with MyBRADYLab–an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyBRADYLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyBRADYLab, search for ISBN: 0134190750/9780134190754 Emergency Care plus MyBRADYLab with Pearson eText — Access Card — for Emergency Care
That package includes:

  • 0133946096 / 9780133946093 MyBRADYLab with Pearson eText — Access Card — for Emergency Care
  • 0134024559 / 9780134024554 Emergency Care

MyBRADYLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

Table of Contents Section 1 – Foundations Introduction to Emergency Medical Services and the Health Care System The Well-being of the EMT Lifting and Moving Patients Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Medical Terminology Anatomy and Physiology Principles of Pathophysiology Life Span Development Section 2 – Airway Management, Respiration, and Artificial Ventilation Airway Management Respiration and Artificial Ventilation Section 3 – Patient Assessment Scene Size-up The Primary Assessment Vital Signs and Monitoring Devices Secondary Assessment Communication and Documentation Section 4 – Medical Emergencies General Pharmacology Respiratory Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies Diabetic Emergencies and Altered Mental Status Allergic Reaction Poisoning and Overdose Emergencies Abdominal Emergencies Behavioral and Psychiatric Emergencies and Suicide Hematologic and Renal Emergencies Section 5 – Trauma Emergencies Bleeding and Shock Soft-Tissue Trauma Chest and Abdominal Trauma Musculoskeletal Trauma Trauma to the Head, Neck, and Spine Multisystem Trauma Environmental Emergencies Section 6 – Special Populations Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies Pediatric Emergencies Geriatric Emergencies Emergencies for Patients with Special Challenges Section 7 – Operations EMS Operations Hazardous Materials, Multiple-Casualty Incidents, and Incident Management Highway Safety and Vehicle Extrication EMS Response to Terrorism Appendices Basic Cardiac Life Support Review Medical Terminology Glossary Answer Key Index


Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department 2nd Edition

Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department 2nd Edition

Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2021 and 2023!

In a conversational, easy-to-read style, Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, 2nd Edition , discusses 365 errors commonly made in the practice of emergency medicine and gives practical, easy-to-remember tips for avoiding these pitfalls. Chapters are brief, approachable, and evidence-based, suitable for reading immediately before the start of a rotation, used for quick reference on call, or read daily over the course of one year for personal assessment and review.

?Key Features:

  • Coverage includes psychiatry, pediatrics, poisonings, cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, trauma, general surgery, orthopedics, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, renal, anesthesia and airway management, urology, ENT, and oral and maxillofacial surgery.
  • Completely revised and rewritten by many new authors, as well as returning authors who bring a fresh perspective to new subjects.
  • New key points at the end of each chapter present must-know information in an easy-access, bulleted format.
  • Ideal for emergency medicine physicians, residents, and attendings; emergency nurse practitioners, PAs who practice in the ED, and primary care physicians in urgent care centers.

Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.

Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience:

  • The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline
  • Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks
  • Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design
  • The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click


Pediatric Emergency Medicine, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America (The Clinics: Internal Medicine Book 36)

Pediatric Emergency Medicine, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America (The Clinics: Internal Medicine Book 36) 

Sanders’ Paramedic Textbook includes Navigate Advantage Access 5th Edition

Sanders’ Paramedic Textbook includes Navigate Advantage Access 5th Edition

Sanders’ Paramedic Textbook, Fifth Edition integrates authoritative content that elicits higher-order thinking, preparing students to thrive as members of a sophisticated health care team. Published in conjunction with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), this edition offers material that aligns with the most current guidelines, standards, and medical research in the field of EMS. The Fifth Edition, based on the National EMS Education Standards, the 2015 CPR/ECC Guidelines, and the 2017 Neonatal Resuscitation Program, presents evidence-based medical concepts in a clear and comprehensive format. Detailed coverage of essential skills enables students to meet and exceed the National Registry Paramedic Psychomotor Competency Portfolio. Robust resources for educators and students deliver teaching and learning solutions that create a premier learning experience―engaged, meaningful learning that applies to the real world of EMS. Key Features and Content Updates: Over 1,000 new photos and illustrations Current information on spinal immobilization from evidence-based research and national physician organizations Expanded content coverage for all patient groups, including pediatric and geriatric patients and special populations Increased coverage of pathophysiology, 12-lead ECG interpretation, mechanical ventilation, ultrasonography, and many other critical topics New Show Me the Evidence and Critical Thinking features that challenge students and highlight notable, current content Updated Did You Know? material that extends learning beyond the basics Emphasis on research and the paramedic’s role in injury prevention Updated Emergency Drug Index and Advanced Practice Procedures for Critical Care Paramedics
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