Shields’ General Thoracic Surgery Eighth Edition

Shields’ General Thoracic Surgery Eighth Edition
The gold standard thoracic surgery reference for 45 years, Shields’ General Thoracic Surgery remains your #1 resource for comprehensive coverage of both open and endoscopic surgical techniques, with commentary from more than 150 global experts in the field. This two-volume masterwork covers all facets of thoracic disease, enhanced with dynamic audio and visual content, colorful graphics, and an authoritative analysis of the world’s literature and electronic data – making this 8th Edition the most extensive and concise collection of practical, complete information available for today’s busy clinician.Key Features
- Addresses new topics such as deciphering complex statistical analyses, efficient use of the new World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), mining big data sets for specific decision making, and developing and performing effective quality improvement projects for the surgeon’s practice and hospital setting.
- Includes a retrospective into the past with particular emphasis on artificial ventilation and the era of minimal invasion – both revolutionary milestones in the 100-year history of thoracic surgery.
- Covers all aspects of thoracic disease, including anatomy and embryology, diagnostics, and radiology, as well as extensive sections on lung cancer and other pulmonary tumors.
- Includes multidisciplinary contributions on medical treatment, radiation oncology, and surgery and anesthesia.
- Continues Dr. Thomas W. Shields’ outstanding tradition of comprehensive coverage, while also transforming the text into a more concise and streamlined reference
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