Rich’s Vascular Trauma, 3rd edition

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Published in association with the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), the newly updated edition ofRich’s Vascular Trauma draws on civilian and military authorities from around the world to offer comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the management of vascular injury. Anatomic patterns of vascular trauma including extremity, torso and cervical injury are reviewed in detail, including the latest techniques to manage non-compressible torso hemorrhage. You’ll have access to all of thecurrent innovations across the broad spectrum of vascular trauma, presented in a well-organized fashion that allows you to quickly hone-in on the most important issues in patient care and management.
“…This new International Perspectives section provides a mix of personal and regional experiences from surgeons whose partnership in the management of vascular trauma was and will continue to be highly valued…” Foreword by: Norman M. Rich, June 2015
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