Progress in Medical Research (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Book 1070)

Progress in Medical Research (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Book 1070)
This book is a compendium of articles providing insights into a range of contemporary ideas concerning the core yet unsettled clinical issues. Important aspects of pulmonary disorders are tackled such as occupational respiratory health hazards, asthma, or the role of vitamin D in obstructive airway diseases. Genotyping offers a clear promise in the diagnostics of chronic pulmonary lesions of autoimmune background. Cardiac and respiratory-driven pulsation of cerebrospinal fluid content offers novel arguments in the pathophysiologic savvy of a range of brain dysfunctional conditions, including respiratory-related hypoxic pathologies. Some other articles tackle the heady topics of rehabilitation medicine, offering an insight into research-underpinned diagnostics and practical management solutions in a range of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries that affect the human body’s movement, particularly those controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The book is addressed to clinicians, researchers, physiotherapists, and medical professionals engaged in patient care.
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