Principles and Practice of Surgery: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 6e 6th Edition

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Principles and Practice of Surgery is the surgical companion textbook to the international medical bestseller Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It is a comprehensive textbook for both the surgical student and trainee, guiding the reader through key core surgical topics which are encountered throughout an integrated medical curriculum as well as in subsequent clinical practice. Although sharing the same format and style as Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, this text is complete in itself, thus enabling the student to appreciate both the medical and surgical implications of diseases encountered in surgical wards.
- A three-section textbook of surgical principles and regional clinical surgery.
- Superbly presented with line drawings, high quality radiographic images and colour photographs.
- Presented in similar form to its sister textbook Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.
- Full online text version as part of Student Consult
- The contents have been restructured into three sections – Principles of Perioperative care, Gastrointestinal Surgery, and Surgical Specialties.
- Two new chapters have rationalised and amalgamated information on the Metabolic response to injury and Ethics and pre-operative considerations to avoid repetition.
- Throughout the text has been altered to reflect changes in understanding, evidence and practice, and to keep the contents in line with undergraduate and postgraduate surgical curricula
- A substantial number of new illustrations have been added to give better consistency and improved image quality.
- The evidence-based revision boxes that focus on major international guidelines have been thoroughly updated.
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